Would absolutely recommend Hero!!
I've been using it for the past 6 weeks and it has made a PROFOUND difference in my workflow. There's a hotkey for everything so its super easy to add tasks from anywhere in Chrome. Super easy to swap tasks at a moments notice. Hero has also done a great job of allowing be to create a master list of all the tasks I am trying to work on and easily order them (again with hotkeys).
- they've done an amazing job of gamifying tasks so its lowkey pretty reward to here the "ding!" when you complete a task
- absolutely LOVE the time analytics that Hero offers. Since you're telling it everything you're working on at any point in time, it tells you exactly how you spent your day
- there are some bugs here and there but the founders seem super responsive to feedback and their release velocity is crazy fast!!
Keep up the good work Hero
Hey @devinm! Thanks for elaborating 💪
We are glad you are enjoying Hero. Sorry for the bugs you have muscled through. Keep that feedback coming. We'll keep improving Hero everyday!
Here's how it works:
* From any web page, enter a new task via keyboard shortcut, and set a reminder time
* Hero will alert you to do this task at that time.
* When you finish a task: mark it "done" --> Hero presents the next task on your queue
* If you are still working on one task when another one is scheduled to start, Hero queues that task until after you've finished the current one
* You can re-order tho queue of tasks at any time
Why this helps me:
* The keyboard shortcut to add task is way faster than opening up any calendar, notes, or to-do app.
* It fits the perfect middle-ground between a calendar app and a to-do app.
* In a calendar, each entry exists at a particular time. I have to say exactly when I'm going to do something and how long it will take -- and when this inevitably changes, it's more trouble than it's worth to re-schedule everything on the calendar.
Instead, Hero lets you pencil in a "reminder time" for a task -- but if you don't end up starting the task just then, it'll automatically get queued and eventually shown to you when it's that task's turn. No more worries that a task slipped through the cracks if you didn't get to it when it was scheduled -- and no more "calendar juggling" to re-schedule all such tasks.
* In most to-do apps, your tasks just end up in some list. But that list is divorced from the "real-time" aspect of what you're doing *right now*. Hero takes it to the next level, turning a static list into a dynamic queue of tasks that you're constantly iterating through. You always have an "active task". When you finish it, it's taken off the queue. If you switch from one task to another, the old one is automatically put back on the queue for later, and will become your active task when you finish the current one.
I'd normally have to do such "task-juggling" in my own head. This way, I don't have to make a note to come back to what I was doing - that's done automatically.
* When you open a new tab, it shows the task you're currently working on, as well as an option to switch tasks. This is HUGELY helpful in re-emphasizing my current intention, making me feel good that I'm on task. And if I'm taking a detour to a different/new task (e.g. a sub-task that's presented itself as a pre-requisite for the original task), this offers a seamless place to note that down, rather than having to explicitly open another app to record it. Without Hero, I would never bother writing down these "sub-tasks" explicitly. But writing them down in this way helps me be intentional about where my work is taking me -- with an automatic "breadcrumb trail" to take me back to the original task once I finish the sub-task -- along with an accounting of how my time was spent on each sub-task that I can analyze afterwards.
I've been using Hero for the past month and am loving it. I feel much less scatterbrained and don't have to worry about forgetting tasks throughout the day. Pretty sure it's made me more productive too. Would recommend!
The founders are doing 1-on-1 onboarding sessions with each user, which I found super helpful. It takes 15 minutes: they show you the key features and how to make best use of the app.
It helped me understand WHY this app would help in my daily life -- to a degree I didn't appreciate at first glance (my initial reaction was "okay, another to-do app... do I really need one of those?"). I was pleasantly surprised at how useful even a simple tool like this can be.
Highly recommended . I keep track of 3 different projects and Hero helps me get tasks out of the way in great time. Very user friendly , i like best how easy you can edit each task and how it keeps track of how long it takes me to get a task done.
I’ve been using “hero” for the past weeks and I’ve recommended it to my friends because it made me more efficient managing my time.
It’s friendly, simple, and it takes seconds to plan ur day.
Besides, it feels good to complete my tasks and see in the charts my progress, I want to keep increasing them.