Emily Hodgins

Hendricks Horatio - Hendricks, the gin company has launched a smart speaker

Created as a delightful counterpoint to today's banal and predictable voice-activated speakers (yawn), Horatio the surprise and unpredictability that mass-produced modern electronics fail to deliver.

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Emily Hodgins
This feels like an April's Fools but it's September.... and I really want it!! 🍸
Aaron O'Leary
@ejsnowdon Are you wiling to cough up the price haha?
Emily Hodgins
@aaronoleary hmmm maybe one for the wish list.
Emily Hodgins
@aaronoleary (from Mashable) - "The company didn't really share many details about the speaker's technical side, except for the fact that it responds in a "delightful British accent." But here's the kicker: the speaker won't actually respond to your queries in a meaningful way. "Horatio is a far-more sophisticated device that’s utterly independent of anything you may ask of it – indeed, you never know exactly what Horatio may say," - I love it even more.
Aaron O'Leary
@ejsnowdon This already beats out every other smart speaker on the market. I WISH my google Home would respond "hamburger" to me asking the time. I need this
Emily Hodgins
@aaronoleary maybe we can pool our resources and time share owning one
Musharof Chowdhury
Is it really a product or hoax?
Aaron O'Leary
@musharofchy It's really a product, you can purchase it from the site linked! :D
Melinda Frey
nice job
Fajar Siddiq
this product got featured on product hunt?
Jack Smith
@fajarsiddiq why would it not be?
David Bonachera
You should change the description of the post. It's not Hendrick's Gin ! "This website is hosted by Links Unlimited, Inc., not affiliated with Hendrick's Gin, or any of their subsidiaries."