Kevin William David

Flash for Gmail - Turn your Gmail experience to a Superhuman experience


You can archive, delete, reply, compose, snooze etc without using your mouse or remembering shortcuts. The only shortcut you need is CMD/Ctrl + K the command centre will increase your productive and help you to get the work done completely using the keyboard.

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Srikrishnan Ganesan
#WIN! Trying it out right away :)
Vinodh David
Thanks for hunting us @kevin - The idea is to make every one productive with web apps - We are starting with Gmail. Its hard to remember all the shortcuts with so many apps that we get to use everyday. We will be adding support to Trello, Asana, Jira etc. in the future. Do share your thoughts and feedback. I am here all day to answer questions. One command to make you productive :)
R. Bhavesh
So I can take actions right from my keyboard instead of using mouse each time I want to manage the email? Yay! Trying this now.
Elliott Staffer
Love how easy this is to use. Great plugin!
@iamelliott thanks for all the love. Share the love and help us to get the word out :)
@vinodhdavid This looks like a very nice idea, but for some reason, in my case, CMD+K doesn’t work. Any suggestions?
Vinodh David
@tnsrig You are on Mac? Have you crossed the onboarding process?
@vinodhdavid Yeah, on mac, I am trying to go through the onboarding but I get stuck at the point that I need to press CMD+K, thanks for the quick reply btw.😀
Vinodh David
@tnsrig Can you try ctrl+k not sure if some other extension is taking that option.
@vinodhdavid Already did, I will mess around with it a bit and if I manage to get to work I will let you know.
Vinodh David
@tnsrig Can you try quitting on boarding and try that shortcut? Kindly do enable this extension on incognito and try it. Just to make sure that other extension isn't clashing.
Gabriel Appleton
awesome bro
@gabriel_appleton Thank you :)
Yury Molodtsov
Was wondering when someone would do that :) If you add shortcuts for some Gmail functions that don't have them yet and natural language processing for time in Snooze/Send later features it'd be even closer.
Vinodh David
@y_molodtsov Thank you Yury, yeah that would be the next step. We need some API access for that. This was straight forward to get started :)
Rebecca Ferrao
Hey @vinodhdavid, this is really cool. Definitely going to download the extension
Vinodh David
@rebecca_ferrao Awesome Rebecca! Looking forward to it.
Justin Macklin
Just installed! So far i'm really digging it!
Vinodh David
@justin_macklin Awesome Justin :)
Juan Sarmiento
Thanks a lot guys! Gmail is one of my main work scenarios and it is always good to improve productivity and self processes.
Tem Nugmanov
Dude YES! If you can also convince Notion 2.0 to change "⌘ + P" to "⌘ +K", you will be my god. What apps are you prioritizing next?
jack lol
The superhero of work dreams...
Konstantinos Asim
This sounds awesome! I've trained myself to remember Gmail shortcuts but I always tend to forget them as they are pretty obscure. I am trying this right away, great job! And oh @vinodhdavid it's seems that your main call to action does not work currently, only the upper right hand side button.
Vinodh David
@k_onstantinos Thanks for the headsup - fixed it.
Moses Kerub
lovely! so far loving it a lot Do you have a shortcut for closing the conversation and back to the all mail screen?
@moses_kerub1 Glad you like it :) As of now we have shortcut to goto inbox. We will add more in future.
Alfonso Lopez
Do you collect any information?
@alfonsodlopez we don't collect any information. Your data is completely with you :)
Bora Savas
@vinodhdavid Awesome! Can you also add "G+i" for go to inbox, "G+t" for to sent-emails. And "option+#" to delete?