Anthony Charles

Pothim - A smarter & more efficient way to generate legal policies

Pothim by HelloConsent
Create custom legal policies based on the nature of your business, written comprehensively that your audience can understand.
No registration required! 100% free to use!

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Anthony Charles
I thought it would be cool to make a simple app that generates tailored privacy, ToU, and cookie policy based on user inputs & selections 😘
Ken Moo
Will give this a try. thanks!
Anthony Charles
@ken_moo Thanks Ken 🙌
Anna Costalonga
This seems like a very helpful product...The only reserve I would have is the name, "Polyo", which unfortunately in the Italian market would not be usable, as it is too similar to the shortened name of poliomyelitis ..
Anthony Charles
@adsidera1 Oh really?! I never really gave it a hard thought
Tim Carambat
Thought this was a Patreon product at first. Like what this service does though because policy writing for any small project is a pain - hopefully this will help!
Carlo Thissen
This is a huge painkiller - can't imagine how many hours I've spent with reviewing legal policies and reading up all kinds of regulations. If this is as easy as it sounds it's a gem 🙏
Hina Khan
Yes it very useful for us
sulyman moyo
I literally search PH for a Privacy policy generator none was this easy!! Great product
Scott Koga-Browes
Not in a position to assess the product but you have to change the name; I'm sure it's unintentional but it comes across as being in very poor taste.
Anthony Charles
@scokobro What would you recommend Scott?
Scott Koga-Browes
@anthony_charles1 As the developer you're in the best position to judge, and I know it can be difficult to pick a name that is free from adverse connotations in ALL languages (remember the Mitsubishi Pajero!?!?) but - sincerely - I don't think the current name is going to help you. Best of luck!
Anthony Charles
@scokobro Thanks Scott, I just changed the name now. Pothim seems neutral
Hina Khan
Happy from u
Great piece of product 👌