Making thought provoking internet experiences.
Matt Henderson 🚀
Corporate Constitution — A pocket Constitution written entirely in brand logos 📃

We think it’s important that the country’s founding document be written in the language of the land: capitalism.

Buy One, Give One.

When you purchase a copy of this book we send one to you and to your elected representative in the House.

Matt Henderson 🚀

Got my book a few days ago and it was really high quality. It's a nice gag gift, a piece of art with a meaningful commentary on today's political environment.


Got me to skim the constitution for the first time outside of school



Lukas Bentel
Hey Product Hunt! We are super excited to launch the Corporate Constitution which is a pocket constitution we typeset using our font Brand New Roman (www.brandnewroman.com). To start we are doing a buy one, give one deal where we send a copy to you and your elected representative in the House. We know most elected representatives don’t get the opportunity to read this important book, so we are donating copies - and we’ve made sure to put it in the language they understand best. If you have any questions feel free to ask! A little more about the makers: We are Hello Velocity (www.hellovelocity.com) an arts+tech group that makes odd things on the web! if you have any thoughts I'd love to hear them either here or by email (lukas@hellovelocity.com). Lukas