I have worked on this startup website from its inception as an idea in my head then to designing it and contracting a development agency and now I am in the stages of raising awareness and getting traffic to the site. I always found that there was no dedicated consistent platform to do this and the ones that did attempt to create this kind of site lacked in design and simplicity.
Granted I am saying all of this but my site might be just as bad in the opinion of others and I know that nothing is perfect and mistakes might exist but I always believe that things can be improved. I am very passionate about this site and hence your feedback about anything related to the site (whether negative or positive) would be most appreciated. Sharing the link to my site if you liked it would be great too.
Currently operating in the UAE and soon in Australia. Once I test those two markets I might venture into other markets depending on the opportunities available and the demand. So, even if you're not from those two countries please have a look at it and give your feedback regardless.