Not sure how often consumers will use as most don't have the right equipment to capture these videos, but great for #brands that want to create unique content.
Here's a cool example of Facebook 360 looking over New York.
@rrhoover If you don't have a 360 camera, I suggest using these apps to create 360 photos:
- iPhone or iPad camera panorama mode
- Samsung Galaxy's panorama mode or surround shot mode (full 360)
- Street View
- Google Camera (Android)
- Cardboard Camera (Android)
- 360 Panorama by Occipital (iOS)
Also, a list of sweet 360 cameras that we support:
The way this works is actually amazing. I wouldn't mind if my whole news feed was filled up with this, though I would spend way too much time on Facebook again if it happened
If I was to be unkind, I'd just say that Facebook is playing catch-up with Google+ again. But given the downward spiral of G+, I can only say that this is a good thing and probably timed better than G+ too.
I wish they provided a basic tool somewhere for editing/testing/fixing metadata for equirectangular/panorama pictures. My old photospheres won't upload correctly and any edits I make on the phone will strip the relevant metadata from the photospheres :(
Love this. Facebook 360 is an important incremental step towards more immersive experiences using VR and AR. Really excited to see companies like Facebook and Snapchat bring VR and AR to consumers.
As early adopter to 360 camera, I have been waited for this feature for a long time. It was a big pain for us that we couldn't let people who shot the 360 photo together to access it through social network. Glad Facebook now provided a solution.
love this. the experience is immersive but I think consumers still need to get used to it. I'm familiar with it since I worked with @giroptic back in 2014 but those that have never seen 360 photos will take some time to learn how to experience it.
The one little feature that might get overlooked but is immensely cool is the little directional icon that moves as you pan around the image, indicating bearing. It's very useful:
@ahuang7 check out our app UTeleport that makes it really easy for publishers ( - we're gonna roll out 360 photosharing to FB really soon, plus we integrated OSC with all the cameras :)
@ourielohayon no it's a file format that's used to show full 360 photos. Most 360 photo apps and cameras add photo sphere metadata into their photos to specify things like field of view, width, starting position, etc
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