Paul unr Morrison

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft - A fast-paced strategy card game for everyone


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Anton Troynikov
Hearthstone does so many things right that MtG: Online gets wrong. Part of that is a consequence of the digital-first game design, and part of that is Blizzard's slick branding. The monetization part of this game is also very slick - while it follows the tried and true formula of paying to unlock more stuff faster, you don't feel bad doing it because the monetization is fungible (you can trade-in some stuff for other stuff) and because getting new stuff is randomized. You don't feel ripped off. That said, I know a lot of people who play both, and Hearthstone has yet to pull people away from Magic completely. It will be interesting to see how this game and this market evolves in the future.
Jacob Hobbie
@atroyn I think that as more packs come to Hearthstone, and different mechanics are introduced, more MtG players will at least try out Hearthstone. However, one of the genius things that Blizzard has done is simplified the card game experience. Magic is very fun, but it takes a lot of learning and a lot of setup. Hearthstone took me 2 hours to consistently start climbing ranked. I think this is a good mediator between the two, and not necessarily competition. Hearthstone is still awesome though.
Ryan Hoover
I've been avoiding this for a while, which is increasingly difficult after their recent launch for the iPhone. cc @kellymcgrath @timithmcdoyle
Ryan Olsen
@rrhoover Same. I tried it on PC and it just didn't feel right for me. It hit iOS and I was hooked.
Zac Coffman-Magaha
@kellymcgrath @timithmcdoyle @rrhoover Stop resisting :) Also whatever you do, don't try Scrolls (possibly even more addicting)
Tim Doyle
@rrhoover It's easy to enjoy HS without getting completely sucked into it. One of the best parts of a trading card game, is acquiring new cards to play with. HS does an amazing job for the casual player in that you'll be constantly unlocking new cards to explore with. If they're able to better tune the current rating system, I think HS could have the best mix of casual/HC gameplay of just about any game out there.
Ryan Olsen
I'm so happy Hearthstone hit iPhones. Some of the best CCG gameplay on mobile I've experienced.
Russ Frushtick
I got kinda overwhelmed as all the expansions started coming out, but I played around 100 hours of vanilla Hearthstone. Hoping I can get back into the swing.
Adam Lieb
The expansions have absolutely nailed it. Blizzard found a perfect way to bring in one of the key elements of MMORPGs (really challenging PVE that actually requires strategy) without sacrificing anything from the core gameplay. I've been continually impressed with how the game has evolved since I started playing it in beta.
Tim Doyle
How is everyone enjoying the new Tavern Brawl gameplay mode? It's only the third week and I'm absolutely loving it (this week has been my favorite so far). Casual mode was getting out of hand...facing face hunter and net decks time and time again in casual because of gold farmers was hardly fun. Tavern Brawl is the way casual play should be.
Brad Yasar
Great game to jump in and out quickly.
Alex Gold
Who has already tried this resource - I advise not to drag out those who already have level 120 and rather to buy nyalotha full gear normal. With Full Gear Normal Ny'alotha you will be focused on 445+ items of item level. The increase takes up to about 3-4 runs, depending on the luck of the fall.
Voland Sota
Hello, I personally do not like this type of game. Personally, I prefer classic Warcraft, which has been pleasing people for many years with its canonicity and a lot of content. I think that if you would like to start, as I do, play Warcraft, then you should use arena boosting from these guys . That way you can more easily and seamlessly enter the game with experienced players in the arena.