@rrhoover@dnosk i didn't know how much i would miss tt.fm till it was gone. all around better listening experience for when you just need a genre/artist.
@rrhoover@dnosk Part of turntable's appeal was listening with strangers who shared similar tastes. I hope this app and others will go beyond the friend graph.
@rrhoover ... y'know, I think that's where you and I first met. What was your handle on TT?? ...and you know https://plug.dj is back up and running, right? (I never stuck to Plug like I did with TT... but it's in the same lane.
I've been looking for something like this that integrates Spotify with a Slack channel (w/ features like list songs Up Next, vote up/down, add tracks to queue, etc.) so that we could have something that resembles a silent rave at the office.
@mike_solomon I want this too, badly. I run a coworking centre for tech folks and would love to have this in our community slack channel. Do let me know if you find anything that sits nicely in Slack with minimal friction!..
Product Hunt
Heartbeat 3.0
Product Hunt
Heartbeat 3.0
Heartbeat 3.0