Pēteris Caune

Healthchecks - Simple and effective cron job monitoring

Healthchecks.io monitors your cron jobs, background services and scheduled tasks. It notifies you when your nightly backup has not completed, your Raspberry Pi has lost connection, or a checkout flow on your shopping site has not completed for too long.

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Pēteris Caune
Hello Makers and Hunters! I'm Pēteris Caune, the one person army behind Healthchecks.io. This is not a fresh launch, I've been working on Healthchecks.io for the past *6 years*. It started as a side-project, but is now my main gig and my primary source of income. I work in the open – the code powering Healthchecks.io is BSD-licenced, you can view it on Github, you can host it yourself, you can fork it and compete with me 😊. I also publish metrics like the number of users and the MRR in the project's "About" page. You can monitor up to 20 jobs indefinitely on the Healthchecks.io free plan. This is not a ProductHunt-exclusive deal, the offer stands for everyone. If you are an indie maker, a startup developer, or a homelab enthusiast looking after various small services, and have had a nagging thought "if this randomly breaks a couple months from now, I wonder if I will notice", I welcome you to try Healthchecks.io out, and let me know what you think! Pēteris
Yeechan Lu / orzFly
4 years old user here. I am using Healthchecks.io to monitor almost all valuable cron jobs in my home lab. It's very easy to use. You can start easily by appending a cURL command to your existing cron jobs. I also use it with systemd-cat and flock: https://wiki.orzfly.com/topics/c...
Pēteris Caune
@orzfly Thanks for the tip, haven't used systemd-cat and flock before, will check them out!
Ronald Czachara
Congratulations and this is a great tool indeed. We have integrated Healthchecks.io with SIGNL4 for alerting users and teams in case of missing heartbeats: https://www.signl4.com/blog/port...
Ben Zhang
Have been using this for a few month now. It’s intuitive and powerful. And Pēteris has been making consistent improvements (check out the GitHub repo for this project)!