The app that loves you back
Josh Elman

Hatch — The app that loves you back

Ryan Hoover
h/t @ryanlawler for this one. Here's his launch coverage with a video walkthrough. I've killed hours watching GoPro videos on 5by (cc @gregisenberg). 10 will only increase the number created and shared. This is also a great compliment for all my Drone friends that create electronic-music fueled flyovers. cc @maccaw, @superamit, @kosvke
Sean White
Thanks for the upvotes! We've been testing on the surf, the streets, and in the air over electronic music festivals (Beyond Wonderland @rrhoover). Great to be pushing on wearables for self-expression and content creation and not just data gathering. Happy to answer questions here and get your thoughts.
Michael Sarlitt
@seanwhite love it. Just a heads up, the App Store badge on your mobile landing page links to store.apple.com!
Sean White
@msarlitt Thanks for the catch, Michael. Fixing now - not sure what changed but I'll buy you a beer!
Sean White
We expanded our focus from the leading wearable camera to include the leading native drone camera too - the DJI Phantom 2 Vision+. Back in November we were the launch partner for the DJI SDK focused on mobile sharing, and since December we've been seeing great early traction among DJI users for the 10 app.
Josh Elman
This is the first offering from BrightSky Labs. Makes GoPro a lot more useful!
Kevin Li
this looks amazing! downloading now