Kevin William David

Hasura K8S Platform Hub - Get boilerplates & ready made apps to clone, modify & deploy

Hasura k8s platform Hub is a collection of boilerplates that you can clone, modify and deploy to kickstart your application development on Kubernetes. For example, you can find a slack bot, an ARKit integration, schemas for e-commerce apps, or even a React Native starter kit wired up with a NativeBase UI kit, & a hasura k8s platform backend

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Rajoshi Ghosh
Hi all! We're super excited to have Hasura Hub hunted (thanks heaps Kevin!). We had launched earlier in the year ( to help devs build powerful applications fast. Hasura gives you instant backend APIs on postgres + a PaaS powered by Kubernetes. Hasura Hub is a collection of boilerplates and readymade applications that you can clone, modify and deploy to kickstart your application development. For example - a react native project is wired up with a NativeBase UI kit, & a Hasura backend that you can clone and deploy in minutes. Hub also has sample applications for a slack bot, a messenger bot, e-commerce schemas, a simple AR app with AR Kit & Clarifai, etc. The feature of Hasura that makes 'hub' possible is that every Hasura project is declarative, i.e, everything about a Hasura project can be configured through text files and checked into version control. Let us know if you'd like to see any specific boilerplates or sample apps or if you have any other questions! Here is the link to our HackerNews post:
Chris Frantz
Project looks great but I'm here for the branding.
Rajoshi Ghosh
@frantzlight Haha thanks! But do give us a try and let us know your thoughts :)
Sameer Brij Verma

Love the boilerplate code base I can use to get started easily and the deployment features.


Love the simplicity and flexibility!


Not too many people know about this tool! It’s a real find !

Ish Baid
This is fantastic. Great work guys! I never liked the idea of starting a project from scratch. Rebuilding the same components over and over can get quite tedious. Now, I guess I won't have to 😁
Ish Baid
Any plans to integrating firebase Firestore as the backend to one of these sample projects?
Rajoshi Ghosh
@ish Hey Ish! Do check out --> Hasura basically comes with it's own backend. You get data, auth and filestore APIs on postgres and get a git push based deployment workflow for any custom APIs, webapps, static files that you write. Give it a try and let us know your thoughts!
My web application is front end system. Not much happens on the serverside (User authentication and simple file storing is the only serverside work). Hasura seems like a perfect deal for my web app. Will look forward for your production ready systems.
Rudy Lee
Great concept! :)
Rick Segal

This is an excellent speed course to getting a full solution up and running quickly for very little cose.


Very very fast way to get a prototype up with virtually no pain. Ideal for people just starting out/learning as well as testing ideas.


A bit "non-standard" from the perspective of explaining what's under the hood. May only matter to the uber-geeks at your cocktail parties!