Hasura K8S Platform Hub - Get boilerplates & ready made apps to clone, modify & deploy
Hasura k8s platform Hub is a collection of boilerplates that you can clone, modify and deploy to kickstart your application development on Kubernetes. For example, you can find a slack bot, an ARKit integration, schemas for e-commerce apps, or even a React Native starter kit wired up with a NativeBase UI kit, Expo.io & a hasura k8s platform backend
Love the boilerplate code base I can use to get started easily and the deployment features.
Pros:Love the simplicity and flexibility!
Cons:Not too many people know about this tool! It’s a real find !
Attendance Tracking for Zoom
Attendance Tracking for Zoom
This is an excellent speed course to getting a full solution up and running quickly for very little cose.
Pros:Very very fast way to get a prototype up with virtually no pain. Ideal for people just starting out/learning as well as testing ideas.
Cons:A bit "non-standard" from the perspective of explaining what's under the hood. May only matter to the uber-geeks at your cocktail parties!