Kevin William David

Hasura GraphQL Engine - Instant Realtime GraphQL on Postgres


Hasura GraphQL Engine gives you instant high-performance realtime GraphQL on any Postgres database (existing or new).

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Rajoshi Ghosh
Thank you @kwdinc for hunting us :) We’re super happy to announce the open-source Hasura GraphQL engine that gives you instant realtime GraphQL on Postgres. We launched 3 weeks ago on HackerNews ( and today we’re very excited to launch our latest addition - realtime GraphQL (live queries & subscriptions) that will help you build awesome apps with GraphQL on one of the world’s favourite databases. 🌟🌟Here are some of the highlights🌟🌟: - Supports live-queries: Convert any GraphQL query to a subscription and get live-queries - Add to new or existing live Postgres databases - Admin UI for managing database schema and with GraphiQL - Field level access control that can integrate with any auth provider - Support for migrations and version control - Supports PostGIS, UUID, GraphQL over views and sql functions and other awesome Postgres features. To try it out - head to and take it for a spin on Heroku! Do let us know if you have any questions :) 🙏
Hugo Villain
@kwdin @rajoshighosh Awesome! How does it compare to Apollo server + Prisma?
Tanmai Gopal
@kwdin @rajoshighosh @hypervillain At a high-level, 2 main things make Hasura different: 1) Hasura can safely be exposed directly to your app 2) Hasura is designed to be postgres first These 2 philosophies result in different features: 1) Built in-access control 2) Extremely high performance even for complex queries 3) Live-queries that apps can use directly 4) Add to an existing live database, even as it is being used by another application 5) Support for postgres views, types (postgis, json/jsonb, uuid etc), sql functions and so on 6) Optional database migration tooling or bring your own migrations Ofcourse, you can always use it behind your custom business logic too by doing schema-stitching which works well for customising the schema or adding business logic too!
Cihan Bilir

Recently tried it out with our existing heroku postgres app that had a lot of data and slow APIs on our 500K+ records.. Got it working in a few minutes and now we have GraphQL!


Easy to get started (even on an existing database as-is), yet lightweight with almost no footprint.


No support for relay connection spec.


simple to get started on a small SPA project with minimal effort


simple and easy setup to get started for a new project


no clear indication in the UI about database indexes and minor UI issues in permissions UI.

Tanmai Gopal
Thanks @sairam! We're working on adding more SQL features gradually to the UI. And that's why the SQL window for now allows you to run any SQL command. Can you elaborate on the UI issues that bugged you? You can let us know here, on github ( or on discord! (
@tanmaig I intended to check Github if the bug already existed. I will check and add it to Github today. Its the permissions screen when you have multiple conditions in the check, it is not re-populating in the UI. Link to issue: edit: created github issue
Khoa Nguyen

So far, this is the most powerful and flexible GraphQL engine I have ever used.

- Lightweight memory footprint

- PostgreSQL specific: You get everything from PostgreSQL features like view (for masking public/private columns), triggers, you can even do data validation with PostgreSQL

- Nice permission model

- Auth webhook frees you from coupling data storing and authentication

- Fast support/responses. These folks always online on their Discord channel

I can't recommend GraphQL Engine enough


Super easy to setup and deploy. PostgreSQL first


The permission UI looks a little bit confusing and no way to set multiple permissions at once

Alex Barashkov
Thanks a lot for this solution, I tried to find something like this for a long time.
Rajoshi Ghosh
@alex_barashkov Thank you! Do give it a try and let us know your thoughts! We are very active on our discord channel as well in case you need any help while building!
Ashish Pandhi
Been eyeing this for a bit. What I REALLY want is to be able to run a custom function via a query without having to make it a SQL function. A simple web hook would suffice. Just something where I can have custom business logic on the backend.
Tanmai Gopal
@ashpangeek I don’t want to let the cat out of the bag but exactly that! Incidentally, we already have a related open-source project that does this on any Postgres, GraphQL aside :) If you’d like early access and could help us with some early feedback, it would be awesome and i’d be stoked! Followed you on twitter. Do DM me there or on our discord :)
Tanmai Gopal
@ashpangeek just to clarify, skor is a related project to trigger webhooks on Postgres events. Not on queries like you were asking, which is more like an http resolver :)
Lana  Petrosyan
Riccardo Giorato
I love the speed and the power of Hasura! Building a backend is finally fast and won't require you spending weeks to create just a few endpoints. The foundation of Hasura is also really solid thanks to the Postgres SQL database that acts as the data source component. It makes really easy to integrate other simple custom Graphql endpoints made for example with serverless functions.