
Muadzin - Prayer times and reminder for cities all over the world 🕌


MUADZIN Bot will help you to access prayer times based on your area and give you notification when the time for praying is started.

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Abdul Kareem عبدالکریم
Thanking for this bot. Seems to be working well! Jazakallahu khairan
When traveling, sometimes I didn't hear the adzan and didn't know the prayer times, so I must browse prayer times by opening browser (because I dislike to install many apps in my gadget) which is so not effective... because of that I develop this bot, just using Telegram like a personal chat.. so really easy to use..
Pavel Abdurakhimov
By developing such tools you are promoting ignorance and hatred. People shouldn't have imaginary friends, especially when they are telling them to hate other people for no real reason.
Pavel Abdurakhimov
@r3djok3r1 well, nor prayer per se, but religious leaders do. Faith is not a path to truth and shouldn't be used by people at all.
Muadzin Bot Language option: Bahasa Indonesia English Available calculation method: Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia Muslim World League (MWL) Umm al-Qura, Makkah Egyptian General Authority of Survey Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) University of Islamic Sciences, Karachi Ithna Ashari Institute of Geophysics, University of Tehran Available juristic method: Standard (Syafi'i, Maliki, Hanbali) Hanafi Notification option: On Time -5 Minutes -10 Minutes -15 Minutes Disable
What a great muadzin bot, I think this is good option if you are prefer not to install any app that contains a lot of ads