Handmade Tea
Unique loose leaf tea blends delivered monthly
Kyle Bragger
Handmade Tea for Offices — A monthly delivery of awesome teas for your company
Clark Valberg
I'm radically pro-tea. This looks great @kylebragger!
Caleb Brown
@clarkvalberg Thanks Clark! Let me know if you have any questions at all!
Kyle Bragger
Caleb lives and breathes tea. This is a really cool thing obviously made with a lot of love.
Love it. Wish there was a smaller package than $50 / month for 15 people.
Caleb Brown
@corleyh Thanks Corley! I absolutely understand that concern. I have a few companies that simply order the regular 19.95/mo. for the office kitchen and that works for them. If you want to shoot me an email (caleb@handmadetea.com) I could build a custom plan for you at a discount, something like 6oz of tea (the regular plan is 3oz) and see how that works at your office. Anything from Handmade Tea can be tweaked!