Happy New Year!
I can't think of a better way to kick 2017 off than with this episode featuring the one and only @SethLouey.
Seth is the co-founder of Botlist and the Creative Director at SimplyTapp.
As many entrepreneurs do, Seth started his career by saying he could code websites and then spent a week straight learning how to do it.
He later met a fellow developer named Mubashar (aka Mubs), and they quickly became friends. They’re among the most prolific makers on Product Hunt both being nominated for Makers of the Year in 2016 - as I'm sure many of you here already know!
Seth, Mubs and Ben Tossell then launched a site called Botlist. Now, just over a year later it’s already crossed more than 2M+ page views, thousands of bots submitted and a thriving community of bot enthusiasts.
Seth joins us to share his story, how he got into startups, why he’s so passionate about bots and messaging, what it was like launching BotList, how he manages to balance several side projects and full time job, and much more!
Thanks for listening!
@francovarriano@tylercopeland Man, how do I follow that intro. Thanks for having me on the show guys.
It's been one hell of a struggle from Upstate New York to Austin, but keeping my foot on the gas. I wrote this nice piece on "Startup Lessons from Working on a Farm" that also gives a little info about where I came from. https://medium.com/startup-study...
Masterpiece X - Generate
Operation Pie