Jeff Needles

Hack To Start - 80: Jeff Needles, Meerkat - Talking to Jeff Needles of Meerkat about BI and startups

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Ryan Hoover
I enjoyed the Hack to Start interview with @Nivo0o0 (previously at Meerkat). I added this episode to my Podcast Playlist collection to listen to at the gym later tonight. 😀
Jeff Needles
@rrhoover 🙈🙉 Well you'll hear your name... and #BlameRyanHoover mentioned at least a couple times....
Franco Varriano
@rrhoover Thanks for the support Ryan :) @jsneedles
Jeff Needles
This is my first podcast interview....😁 Thanks for having me! It was fun to talk about startups, work and how I got to where I am.
Franco Varriano
@jsneedles Was our pleasure! Great advice, amazing hustle - looking forward to seeing what 2016 holds and having you back on the show :)
Daniel Stahl
@jsneedles you did great. Love the Dr Seuss quotes. 👍😸
Ryan Hoover
Listening to this now. Thanks for the shout out at 10:00, @jsneedles! 🙏
Steph Garrett
Feeling really inspired by how @jsneedles loved @meerkat and interacted with the product so meaningfully it led to his next job! #DoWhatYouLove
Jamie Moss
Great job! Never cease to surprise and impress me, plus I learned some more about you! And as your Mom I thought I knew it all. :) Other 20 somethings should listen to your advice.
Great podcast @jsneedles! I didn't know your story or how you joined Meerkat, impressive how you do what you love! I love Meerkatstats too :)