David Tintner

The Hacking UI Podcast #24 - Chris Coyier (CSS-Tricks & CodePen) - How to grow a blog and remain true to your audience

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David Tintner
It is our pleasure to present to you Chris Coyier. Chris started his journey writing blogs he didn't enjoy, and eventually realized that his passion was actually in coding the blogs and crafting the CSS behind them. He eventually closed down all of his blogs except one, and CSS-Tricks was born. His blog is now one of the largest front-end development blogs in the world and paved the way for his platform, CodePen, which allows developers to share demos of front-end code while inspecting the code at the same time. In this episode, learn why Chris started blogging, and why he began with a huge network of many blogs and finally ended up with one. He also shared some advice for new bloggers on how you should treat your blog like a drafts folder and the strategies he used to monetize CSS-Tricks. This one is great and full of insights. Enjoy!