Find the saltiest users on HackerNews
Britton Winterrose

HackerSalt — Find the saltiest users on HackerNews

Explore the saltiest users on HackerNews.
Our app uses machine learning on 19M+ HackerNews comments to identify & explore toxic "salty" users. An interactive AI "auto-moderation" dashboard.
Britton Winterrose
HackerSalt lets you see how "salty" any HackerNews commenter is. Search by username or browse the ranks of the "Saltiest" We've taken the open source HackerNews dataset and used sentiment analysis to generate summaries of usage across commenters' lifetimes. Please explore and share. We've prepared visualizations & dashboards of commenters' activity for your curiosity. Just be prepared, there's some nasty trolls out there. We hope that this will yield useful insight into the behavior trends of various user types. We believe customers should be free to make their own experiences better and avoid salty trolls. Companies that own and operate these platforms should focus more resources on systems that improve and augment moderation system effectiveness. We would love to help you build these systems. We're not here to witch hunt. If you would like your data taken down, we're happy to oblige. Please send us proof of a kind deed you did for a random stranger, and we'll consider your appeal. sorry@hackersalt.com