** New users will need an invite code to get in. The "producthunt" invite code is about to run out but follow us on twitter @gyroscope_app and we'll be releasing new ones every day! **
The app works with HealthKit data, but you should add some more integrations to access all of the features. We recommend connecting RescueTime for the brain & productivity data, or Moves/Foursquare for the location reporting.
@aramiggs Yes, once this version has been released we plan to start on an Android version as well. We're using React Native so hopefully that won't take too much longer.
@anodigital This was initially what held me back, but I had to create a very private FB account to manage some client pages (I don't have an FB profile) and have used it since before it went live. Well worth the slight hassle.
Nice work, I love the UI. First, how do I upgrade to Pro? Second, I'd love to hear your pros and cons of using React Native for a (beautiful) UI-heavy app like this. I notice some lag in UI interactions in the app. Is that because of React? I also love that I have a place to now see how old I am to the hundred billionth fraction of a year. Nice touch. 😂
@bdolman Thanks Ben! For working with a lot of constantly changing data, React has been really great. Syncing your state and managing all of the different layouts is really easy and elegant.
There is still some lag and performance issues, especially around the navigation, mostly because everything happens on one single javascript thread. For a very simple app it isn't a big issue, but if we are doing network requests and building the page while also trying to open or close things, it isn't ideal. There is talk of that being improved in future versions, with animations happening separately, which would make everything feel nicer. I'm hoping that will happen soon, overall the pace of improvements has been very high and it is much better than when we started a year ago.
For a lot of the graphing, we are still reusing our implementation of D3 and Mapbox and running it in a webview, since the other built-in graphing options are not quite as powerful.
As for upgrading, you can do so from the website at https://gyrosco.pe/activate/
Why don't you offer any other way to sign-up? Why not just email, and then let user choose to connect to other services or not! I really wonder about this. Your app and service looks awesome but I just don't understand and like the idea behind Facebook login :\
@aprilzero I agree with simplicity reasoning, for people who has Facebook account! You could still have your "best" sign up method but provide a tiny tiny text for the rest of "people" (who exist) and don't have Facebook account! You don't even provide let say Twitter login! I understand that you keep the data private but Facebook login will give you the most even if it's private! and Friends etc. Anyway, it's your decision but I think simple login method will give you the same amount of info from user anyhow because they wanna get the most of it so they will connect their online accounts. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So excited for this, @aprilzero and his team. I started using Gyroscope quite some time ago, but it wasn’t until I had my daughter that it became a big deal for me. I love how my data for staying fit is organized and the deep detailed breakdown I receive. Not to mention I always feel like something new is improving in my experience. The team really cares about its users.
Aside from having an overview of my overall health, I also keep a watchful eye on how mentally fit I am by monitoring my productivity level. I work an average of 38-42 hours per week on Iris (my startup) and am a full-time mom. Gyroscope helped me manage those working hours in order to get a solid "balance" going and I'm super grateful for it. The result? Extreme productivity. Before, 40 hours of work was consumed by BS'ing. Now? You never know how the day will go with an infant, so I truly make the most of out my time. Out of those 38-42 hours per week, I know what times I can be most zoned in and get to work.
Sidenote: I have 1 hour avg every day on social media that is killing my chances of 100% productivity level and pissing me off!
Fantastic app. Go download it now.
@imcatnoone well nobody is perfect! 100% productivity is a dream.. @apritzero and his team are here to make this quest easier! Good job on being an awesome mom and entrepreneur!
This is so awesome, really excited about where this product is going.
I've been using Gyroscope on web for a while now, and I especially love how it figures out how many times I go to the gym each month. Some other features I think would be cool:
- Advanced search feature of places I've been within a specific region: solves the case where I can't remember the name of a restaurant or bar I visited but I know where it was and roughly when I visited.
- Financial data integration: correlate my transaction history to location to tell me where I spend the most money, where I've eaten, where I shop, etc.
- Maybe something with Gmail data. That's a pretty rich data source and has more users than RescueTime, could provide analytics on transactions, interactions with friends/coworkers, etc.
Huge fan here. Have been using it for a few months now, really love it. Always checking the overview of my day before sleep, week reports and so on. Thanks @aprilzero and @myusuf3 for this app.
I've been using Gyroscope as long as they've been around and it is one of my favorite apps. It just helps me get an idea on what's going on with my life. Health Kit is nice but the data is so jumbled sometimes to get the big picture. Gyroscope gives me that big picture. Not only is it a big picture, it's a beautiful picture.
Anand and his team are doing great things and Gyroscope keeps getting better.
I've been using this for a while now, and it is the ONLY app that is able to connect to all my various wearables/quantified self apps and aggregate the data into a single view.
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