Anand Sharma

Gyroscope Sleep AI - Automatically track your sleep each night!

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Anand Sharma
We've been beta testing this for the last month and it is getting quite accurate! At least for people who already have their Gyroscope account fully set up — with a device like Fitbit or Apple Watch, plus RescueTime to monitor digital activity. It's been really magical to wake up every morning and see my sleep show up on without doing anything. The irony is while building this feature I definitely haven't been getting enough sleep :P
Gabriel Lewis
@aprilzero very cool! Using several methods to track your 😴 good work 👍
Franco Varriano
@aprilzero so cool and very well done! Hat tip to you & @myusuf3 - already have some data in there, but kinda excited to go to sleep tonight!
Ryan J A Murphy
@aprilzero Wasn't sure the Apple Watch I woke up at 4:30am (also ironic) to purchase was gonna be totally worth it.. this thing is a super helpful for justifying it. Thanks, Anand!
Anand Sharma
A few people have asked for more details about how this works so I'd like to elaborate a bit. This release is actually a combination of two huge new features in Gyroscope Pro to help people sleep better. 1. The most advanced sleep analytics that exists. You can see your last 3 months of sleep history on the website & get various insights about it in realtime — have you been sleeping enough, when do you usually go to sleep, should you wake up earlier, what is your resting heart rate lately, etc. The impact of properly understanding and optimizing these is huge. Now I can clearly see the graph when I don't get enough sleep and instantly do something about it. 2. You might be thinking "that sounds cool but I don't have a sleep tracker so whatever". The second big feature is an Ai system that automatically figures out when you were asleep based on your existing Gyroscope data. It can work with as little as just your iPhone, and retroactively figure out when you were asleep for the past few months—so you can start to see your graphs and get those insights today. Of course the accuracy on that is going to be limited if we're just using historical data from your phone—but it is much better than nothing. Where it becomes really magical is if you already have your Gyroscope account set up—with the iPhone app, and an Apple Watch or Fitbit monitoring your heart rate, and RescueTime set up on your computer. Then we can take the intersection of all of that data, and each new stream of data just makes the Ai way smarter and more accurate. It's the best sleep tracker on the market, because it combines all of your other ones and then adds much more. One of the common issues with many sleep trackers and current approaches is false positives, like if you are in your bed but watching Netflix, or sitting on your computer in the evening and your phone is on your desk so it seems like you are totally still. But we can start to see the bigger picture, and realize when you were on your computer or when your heart rate was much higher and you weren't asleep. And all of this happens without you changing your behavior at all. It would be really easy to make an app where you type in when you went to sleep, or press a button when you are about to go to sleep — and that is how almost all of the other ones work — but the big challenge here was to make it as passive and automatic as the rest of Gyroscope. Both of these features are now part of Gyroscope Pro, which is a $7/month subscription. Buying a sleep tracker costs hundreds of dollars, so this is starting to be a really great deal.
Daniel Singer
@aprilzero Huge gyroscope fan and pro user here! I love this and followed along the beta but can't get myself to wear my Apple watch at night. Because I charge it every night, then wake up put it on and head out. Not sure when I have time to charge it then. How have you been approaching this?
Anand Sharma
@danielsing3r Check out — basically it charges much faster so it doesn't need to be done overnight
Aaron Zinman
@aprilzero Perhaps you mean Machine Learning (or statistics) and not AI? They're not the same, although with the rampant usage of AI as a buzz word on PH one would never know...
Jake Snr
Gyroscope plus RescueTime, a FitBit and IFTTT is gold. Beautiful app that keeps you focused.
Filip Mares
@jakesnr How do you use IFTTT in this workflow?
Jake Snr
@filipmares Gyroscope has encouraged me to take out the premium RescueTime also, so I use a lot of the RescueTime IFTTT suggestions, in particular an hourly prompt for FocusTime for 5 mins to get me off the laptop to do the 250 p/h steps in FitBit (re-inforced by silent alarms), also I've got the FitBit IFTTT recipe for recording sleep as offline time in RescueTime and this shows up in the Gyroscope productivity reports. Finally, I've got FourSquare IFTTT recipe for check ins to Gyms to RescueTime. So yeah, mostly IFTTT feeds RescueTime but I wouldn't be focusing like this were it not for my premium account w/ Gyroscope.
These reports are amazing! I'm currently using Apple Watch, Fitbit Charge HR, *AND* a Hello Sense to track my sleep. Not a single one of the reports from these devices/apps are as detailed nor as useful as Gyroscope's!
Bogomil Shopov - Бого
After 15 seconds on your page I still miss the answer of the most important question - WTF is Gyroscope - is it an app, is it an hardware or something else.
Anand Sharma
@bogomep It's an app —
Jared Schaffer
Nice work, @aprilzero. I love using gyroscope for health/life tracking, but $7/mo is crazy expensive for a sleep tracker. Themes & custom domains don't add a lot of value for me — I use the product for myself, not to share with others. Wish there was some middle ground between the free & pro versions that included advanced reporting and sleep tracking.
Anand Sharma
@jbschaff Thanks! It really depends on how much you want to invest in your own body and your health, physically and mentally. Of course it's just a tool, so it is ultimately up to you how valuable it turns out—you could dramatically improve your life and live many years longer, or it could be something you pay for but never take action on. It's definitely a high-end luxury product and not something everyone needs to pay for, but many people (including myself) have found it invaluable and gotten much more than their money's worth. Also for comparison, health insurance can cost almost 100x as much.
Pietz Prove
I'm totally in love with your UI, but I don't quite see the "AI" aspect of your offering. Could you elaborate on that?
Anand Sharma
@gopietz It takes a ton of different data points and intelligently figures out when you were asleep. Unlike a traditional device which just has a sensor and uses it, this one will keep getting smarter and expand to more data sources as you connect more devices and apps.
Kasper Risbjerg
@aprilzero very well done - especially given the crowded market. Take context into the picture is a so paramount and the reason why most "activity" trackers aren't really that useful. Keep up the good work.
Guy Malachi
Thanks guys, I've been a long time Gyroscope user and this new sleep feature is really great! I have a Garmin watch that tracks my sleep and it seems that Sleep AI works for me (I'm guessing using Apple HealthKit).
Abhilash Jain
Phew what an amazing website @aprilzero, this is amazing stuff , love the UI. Looking forward to trying this out.
There's so many sleep analyzers out there now, and most are free, so why would I use this app? Also, if I want to log-in I can only use Facebook. I don't use Facebook so what are my other options?
Anand Sharma
@fbara We think this the best solution, but everything has its pros and cons. But if you're happy with your free one by all means keep using it. We see this as a luxury product for those who want the very best for their bodies, and are willing to invest in themselves.
@aprilzero I understand your enthusiasm, but you didn't really answer either of my questions. If you want me to spend money on your app, you need to tell me why it's worth me paying for it (apart from the fact that you don't think some people are willing to "invest in themselves"). I never said I'm happy with the free solutions, just asking how you stand-out. Also, there was no response to why you only allow a Facebook login, which affects people who don't use Facebook.
Anand Sharma
@fbara Makes sense. Our approach is to be completely passive—manual tracking is not practical to do regularly. We also try to show you the best possible reports in the app and on the website, so that the data can actually be understood and used to make a difference in your life. You can read more about the rationale why we use Facebook at our help center: — currently that is the only way to log in, so your option is to create a username and password on Facebook and use that to log in, or wait until later once we create alternate signup methods.
@aprilzero Thanks for the response. I'll check out the reports you offer. As a developer, I couldn't disagree with you more regarding the Facebook login rationale and honestly believe you're unnecessarily limiting your potential audience, and sales, with that approach. I wish you well and hope you find a good audience, any successful app is good for the rest of us.
LOVE Gyroscope & so glad to see this update. Nice! @gyroscope_app @aprilzero
Offer premium features --> longer trail period
Krisztián Vértes
Dear Developers, As much as I love seeing your comprehensive charts based on my sleep data, it is highly innacurate. I have an Apple Watch and a Beddit sleep monitor and sync everything to the Health app. The problem comes from Gyroscope taking only one data entry and considering it as the only sleep data for a given night. Beddit knows when I get up for a brief period and - rightfully - doesn't count that as sleep, therefore there are numerous nights with more than one entries and their sum gives me the total sleep amount. However Gyroscope counts only one showing me 1-2 hours of sleep for every other night. At the end your average becomes ridiculously low which makes all your other estimates wrong. I didn't check every single night so the algorithm problem might be more complex, but at this point I can't rely on any of the data you show me. Still, it's a pretty neat concept and I'm sure it's going to evolve a lot from here! Good luck, Krisztian Vertes
Anand Sharma
@euergetes Thanks for pointing that out! Some sleep trackers split up the data into tiny pieces (in our opinion that is incorrect, but whatever) which makes it harder to work with that data, but we should be able to compensate for those bugs on our end. Will let you know once those fixes are in place so you can check out your report and the sleep durations should start to be more correct.
Anand Sharma
@euergetes We've made some improvements to filter out that invalid healthkit data — the duration reporting should be a bit more accurate now. We'll continue to try to make improvements to make up for these sleep trackers :)
Evan Kimbrell
Yes but when can we build a dashboard to manage & optimize the time we spend using our sleep apps? But seriously, ever sense the iPhone has had an accelerometer there have been apps that track your movement in bed by placing the phone on the bed. And then there were REM trackers built off of it and smart lamps and the whole waking up at the end of REM cycles fad and more watches. A lot of things I know people try but never stick with. At the end of the day it's just a graph that doesn't give you any actionable information. I sincerely hope you guys manage to escape the "cool but useless" conundrum. There's a lot of room to create real value.
Khairul Akmal
@aprilzero Hey! Great job on the app and I'm loving it very much 😄 I have been using the sleep tracker on the app with iOS 10's Bedtime function and it works really well 😄👍
Alex MacCaw
Been really enjoying Gyroscope - it's definitely helped me be healthier and lose weight. I'd pay 3x as much for it to be honest.
Dean Brady
No option other than FB for creating an account?
Alex Stoklas
I read through the website and your longer explanation below but am still not clear on your value prop. What can your sleep AI do that eg a Fitbit can't?
Haoyang Feng
The graphic design is probably the best part.