Guess the Hex
A game for designers: test your hex value skills
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)

Guess the Hex — A game for designers: test your hex value skills


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Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
Battle your fellow designer buddies! I'm not a designer so I SUCK at this. h/t to @sameitzen for pointing this out - @nickmealey is the maker!
@bramk I'll give you a hint : the first two characters are for the amount of Red, the next two are for Green, and the last two for Blue :-)
Nick Mealey
Hey guys, I've been working in web for a while now and I've found it fun to decode a hex color. The score is based on how fast you can guess all the colors correctly. Let me know if you have any questions.
Sam Eitzen
So simple, and yet I'm so bad at it. Good work Nick. Nice idea.