
Guardyman - Crime and sex offenders monitoring app


Guardyman is a mobile app for mointoring crime and sex offenders, it was designed to keep you aware of local danger. It shows the latest registered crimes and a list of sex offenders and provides essential insights into what’s happening in your area.

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Hello, Product Hunters and everyone who cares about safety! Today, I’d like to present you the recently released Guardyman app. Basically, I aimed to design an application that would provide stats on crimes and sex offenders in the selected location and help people avoid dangerous areas. I think this app will serve a good purpose to everyone who cares about their security. So, Guardyman makes data analysis on committed crimes and shows stats broken down by categories. Plus, there is a sex offenders list with addresses, heat map with detected crimes, and other features that estimate the danger level in your area. Now, what’s good about Guardyman is that you don’t have to monitor statistics around the clock. I didn’t want people to feel paranoid in no way. Instead, I’ve added this super comprehensive option where you enter a location and the destination point, and the map displays your route with the whole picture of local sex offenders and crimes. Based on that, you can change your direction and find safer ways to get to the intended place. As been said, the app gives updates on the crime situation and sex offenders in your neighborhood. It intends to keep you away from danger. What do you think about it? Please share feedback and drop me a line on @platonenkonik. Feel free to ask questions! Stay safe and guard your life!
I have an awesome idea! You can sell 10-20-100 visits to gym Ps. You can even sell a gun as an add-on to your app
Pavlo Pavlenko
@ruslannaz or if you’re a lonely person - this could be a dating service with the 100% success rate. Joke. Really good idea for those who travel to dangerous cities.
Alex Clever
Hay, for my country it would pretty useful! Does it contain dangerous zones in Ukraine?
Hi @axclever, thank you for you question, we are already talking with UA government to make it possible in Ukraine. Hope it will be sooner
Yuliya  Keskin

Would be great to scale this product to Europe countries.


Useful for travelers


Can be used only in USA

Hi Yulia, thank you for your comment! We are already to work on it, and planning to launch in UK and CA as soon as possible. Also we are already talking with Ukraine goverment, but it is not so fast, you should know)
Eugene Lata
Wow. Looks like a very useful tool. Do you update information only for US? Any chance we will see statistics for European countries in the future?
Roman Pramberger
@eugenelata @oleg_avrah They dont. Most western countries dont do public shaming these days and/or value privacy, even of accused criminals.
Sergey Pirogov
Really great Idea 👍
Halyna Divakova
Hey guys, how do you collect all that information and how often do you update it?
Andrey Nikishaev
Useful app, especially in countries where you can't buy a good gun.
Dmitry Osipa
So, you'll let me know if new sex offenders are registered in my neighborhood. Right?
Hrant Arzumanyan
I am not sure I got it right. You get the information about criminals from the government?
Corey Haggard
Pretty darn good design, and such a handy tool to have at my disposal especially with a little one. Great job guys!
@coreyhaggard thank you a lot!
Andrew Alex
Extremely useful for women (no sexism) and travelers
Igor Ozherelyev
Cool app! 👍 good luck with it)
Brenton House
Lots of bugs and features don’t work. Nice idea though.
Brenton House
@oleg_avrah It doesn't list any offenders in the area I created (even though I have verified that there are w/ official online sources)
Brenton House
@oleg_avrah When you create an area and then go to "See Area On Map", it will often take me to some area in NY. (Area was setup in Texas).