Growth Talk
Worldwide community of Growth Hackers
Boris Pfeiffer
Growth Talk — Worldwide community of Growth Hackers
Boris Pfeiffer
I really like this new community for founders, startups and growth hackers. The tone in the discussions is super friendly and the members are very helpful.
Alex Flom
@bopfger Thank you, Glad you liked it!
Alex Flom
Thanks Mike, that is exactly what we were trying to achieve! Hope to see you there :-)
Alex Flom
Hi Hunters! My name is Alex and I am the creator of @growth__talk We wanted to gather all Growth Hackers, Creative Marketers, Startup Founders, and other great mind people get together and giving them a space to brainstorm ideas, submit/reply questions and more. I hope you will use Growth Talk wisely to grow your startup/app/business ;-) Feel free to hit us with feedback and opinions. Alex
Yosi Taguri
I've been a member and it's really useful.
Marcin Odchyl
List of topics looks impressive.
Mike Hawkins
Very useful to have a focused group like this - from a first glance, it looks like everyone is keen to help each other out. Nice find.