Growth Everywhere - Mamoon Hamid of VC Firm Social Capital Shares the Secret to Why Sh*t Gets Funded
Mamoon Hamid talks about why stuff gets funded.
Neil Patel

Growth Everywhere - How AdEspresso Spends as Little as $0.03 per Click on High-ROI Facebook Advertising — AdEspresso keeps Facebook click costs down

Neil Patel
Hey PHers! In this episode, CEO @massimocw of @Adespresso discusses how he optimizes Facebook ads. He’s got interesting insights on setting up an online inbound marketing funnel and how to evaluate the cost of a click vs. the cost of lead and customer acquisition. Enjoy!
Massimo Chieruzzi
Thanks for sharing @neilpatel :) It's always a lot of fun and interesting to do things with @ericosiu
Stefan Eipeltauer
@massimocw and @neilpatel: Really nice and honest conversation. Enjoyed listening to your thoughts during a car drive home. Thanks to both of you!