Alexandra Bjargardóttir

GRID 2.0 - Next-gen spreadsheet with presentation layer & AI assistant

GRID is the magical surface where numbers and narrative meet. Discover the best all-in-one solution for visualizing and presenting data from spreadsheets & databases. Now with a GPT-3 powered formula copilot.

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Hjalmar Gislason
Hey everyone, I’m the founder and CEO of GRID. Since we first launched on Product Hunt in 2021, GRID has grown into a powerful, all-in-one numbers tool. We’ve built a world-class spreadsheet engine and combined spreadsheet editing with an interactive surface for visualizations. We believe that numbers work should be friendlier, and more accessible to everyone on your team. With GRID 2.0, we’re launching a ton of exciting stuff, such as: * GRID Sheets, our fully featured spreadsheet editor * GRID AI Formula Assistant powered by GPT-3: write formulas with plain language prompts * Integrations: Notion, Airtable, Slack & more to come! * Automatic refresh for Notion and Airtable databases We’re so happy to be launching GRID 2.0 into the world. Read more about our launch story in our blog ( ).
Hjalmar Gislason
While it's just one of the many ways we're making numbers work more friendly, the formula assistant is the most immediately 🤯. I encourage you to sign-up and simply give it a spin. This video will give you a glimpse of what it is like in action:
Hjalmar Gislason
Here's a little post about how the formula assistant is implemented for those that are interested:
Alexandra Bjargardóttir
Hey everyone, thank you all for your excellent feedback and support for our launch so far today 🙏 We're so excited to be back on Product Hunt with GRID 2.0. I wanted to share a few more links for you to check out: Our blog about GRID 2.0 Formula assistant video tutorial Page with more info about the formula assistant 💖
Kristjan Kristjansson
💡 Bright idea
A must have tool for any modern professional. Our team has used this incredible product for dozens of use cases, ranging from VC funding, building and sharing budgets with our board and internal team, pricing modules, and much more. Just gave the // AI a spin, and already a huge time-saved for countless use-cases. Search is out, // is in. (I've already learned a ton of new spreadsheet formulas and ways to build them by testing it for a few days).
Hjalmar Gislason
Thanks for your kind words @kristjan_kristjansson1 . Your continued support of GRID has been instrumental in shaping the product and our direction. I agree on the formula assistance and learning about new functions and techniques. TBH, when we first started experimenting with this, I thought the assistant would be a nice demo gimmick at best. Now I use it all the time even though I consider myself a more-than-decent spreadsheet modeler.
Alexandra Bjargardóttir
@kristjan_kristjansson1 "Search is out, // is in". LOVE IT! 💖
Anthony Deighton
💡 Bright idea
Finally a useful use of GPT... making it easy and intuitive to write spreadsheet formulas. I am forever rummaging through the Excel "help" (term used loosely) to remember the syntax for RANK or MID... or mucking around with MID, LEFT, LEN to extract exactly that piece of a string I need. NO MORE! Now I just type what I want and it gets it right away. #ai with a purpose!!!
Hjalmar Gislason
Yes, using the formula assistant is an interesting mix of having all the documentation at hand, having an assistant doing your bidding and having an experienced teacher looking over your shoulder.
Ingólfur Halldórsson
I have the exact same problem with INDEX, can never remember the syntax correctly. Such a relief to not need all that flicking between tabs anymore 😅
Kyle Seagraves
Congrats on the launch!! GRID has been invaluable to my company and no other tool allows me to create an interactive interface for my spreadsheets. I have hundreds of clients who have told me the GRID tools I've built have helped them make confident choices and save thousands of dollars on choosing a mortgage. The new GPT functionality looks so useful. It certainly will save me time in not needing to Google which formula I should use haha. The GRID team is always on top of customer support and new updates. You all have succeeded in making GRID feel like a personable company that cares about what I'm looking for as a user! Selfishly, I don't want other people to know about GRID haha. Looking forward to all of your continued growth!!
Hjalmar Gislason
Thanks for your kind words @kyle_seagraves . You left the whole team 🥺🥺🥺 Your continued support has helped us make the product better and stronger. Speaking of secrets: We're always as amazed how you and other happy users manage to keep it secret from all the people that should know about it! :)
Alexandra Bjargardóttir
@kyle_seagraves this comment made my day - thank you so much for your kind words 🤗
Bjarki Atlason
Exceptional, making spreadsheets interactable was already a game changer for me. The new features just makes it so much more powerful.
Hjalmar Gislason
Thanks @bjarkiatlason . Appreciate your kind words and support!
Haukur Steinn
Woooooow wow wow 📊🤖
Hjalmar Gislason
@haukursteinn : Wow indeed. // IS the new =
Ben Collins
Congratulations! Way to make an already great product even better! The new formula assistant sounds like a game-changer.
Hjalmar Gislason
Thanks @benlcollins . It is a game-changer. This video cuts straight to it in action:
Magnús Sigurbjörnsson
This is excellent! Looking forward to trying it out, especially the AI feature. Congratulations.
Hjalmar Gislason
Thanks @sigurbjornsson . Go take it for a spin. You can sign up for free, and this video shows you what it is like in action:
Bragi Bergþórsson
Hugely exciting, congratulations! Can't wait to test this out 🎉
Hjalmar Gislason
Thanks @br_avo . Much appreciated!
Ingólfur Halldórsson
Congratulations! Love the tool, and the new features only make it better 💪
Hjalmar Gislason
Thanks @ingolfur_halldorsson . Much appreciated!!
Jon Sveinsson
Now I just need to polish the magic lamp AI, and Voilá! Very impresssive.
Hjalmar Gislason
Thanks @jonsve . Much appreciated!
Usama Ejaz
Congrats on the launch of GRID 2.0! It looks like the perfect tool to help businesses visualize and present data - I'm excited to see what it can do!
Hjalmar Gislason
Thanks @usamaejaz . Go ahead and give it a spin. Looking forward to your feedback.
Paolo De Giglio 🚀
Wow, congratulations on the launch of GRID 2.0! 🎉 It sounds like such an amazing and powerful new tool. I'm so excited to see what it can do. I'm curious, what are some of the most interesting use cases you've seen with GRID? And what's your favorite feature so far? 🤩 Thanks for bringing such a fantastic new tool to the world! Keep up the great work! 💪
Alexandra Bjargardóttir
Thanks for the comment @paolo_degiglio! We'd love to hear what you think of GRID after you try it out 🙏 The most popular use cases for GRID include financial planning & analysis, where analysts use GRID to build interactive forecasts and present their work at meetings, in marketing & sales where teams engage in fast-paced collaboration to produce campaign performance analysis and optimize their user funnel, as well as for founders who are seeking funding and need to create comprehensive revenue models and reports that they share with potential investors. Picking a favorite feature is difficult - especially since of course everyone's excited about the newest one, the AI Formula Assistant 🤩 But personally - it's simple: I love the slider. Giving your audience the ability to imagine possible scenarios and project the data depending on their own theorycrafting and ideas is one of my absolute favorite aspects of GRID. Here's a video that shows the slider in action ✨
Alexandra Bjargardóttir
@paolo_degiglio here's a doc you can check out as well to play around with GRID's interactivity ✨
Matt Robinson
Congrats on this launch @hjalli and team GRID. Nicely done and love "// is the new ="
Hjalmar Gislason
Thanks @mattrobinson . So many exciting innovations in our space. I tried to map some of them here:
Stedman Blake Hood
Exciting! Congrats n the launch y'all Here's a fun tweet on your competition
Hjalmar Gislason
@stedmanblake Lol! On a more serious note, here's a write-up of some of the interesting things people are experimenting with using GPT in the spreadsheet space:
Oleg Avrah
Looks really nice! Will try soon :)
Alexandra Bjargardóttir
Thanks @oleg_avrah! We are excited to hear what you think of it :)
Jérémy Barbet
Congratulations on the launch! As someone who doesn't know much about all the formula that exists, the AI assistant is a real game changer, makes the experience a lot easier and the tool a lot more accessible. Well done!
Alexandra Bjargardóttir
Thank you @jeremdsgn 🙏 We definitely want to lower the learning curve for spreadsheets, so it's great to hear that you feel like this makes GRID more accessible.
Ylfa Sol
I was so excited about testing the new formula copilot! // Rules
Alexandra Bjargardóttir
@ylfa_sol thank you Ylfa! We really appreciate it 💖
Herdís Rán Magnúsdóttir
Congratulations! Look forward to doing away with the old-school spreadsheets. GRID is the way to go.
Alexandra Bjargardóttir
Thank you @herdis_ran_magnusdottir 🙏 we feel the same way! 🔥