Hello, I'm one of the designers of Grid. Grid is a collaborative creative workspace that's used everywhere from personal journals to storyboarding movies/games to architecture projects.
It was tricky to get all the things right for Grid to come together; including it's real time collaboration engine, offline to online synchronization, and tangible creation interface, but we think this is a good start!
I can't wait to show you guys what we're working on next!
@joshleong A joy to use! Got creating my own design board in less that a minute. The UI is really smart. Great founders, reached out directly via email for feedback. Excited to see how Grid continues to evolve.
Beautiful work by @joshleong and team. Grid is doing some truly great work in pioneering interaction design concepts! ( See why Alan Kay thinks this is an important endeavor here: https://github.com/matthiasn/tal... )
@joshleong On a first glance it looks like Pinterest meets Layout (from Instagram). Can you use it for other things than arranging images? Ideas can take many forms, including texts, lists, tables, mind maps etc and it seems to me that I could only use Grid to "build and organize creative ideas" as long as they are representable in images. Am I missing something?
@janahrend It's hard to pick from the many ways people use Grid, but my favorites often occur when many different types of creators use Grid as a common meeting ground. In a game studio: designers, writers and artists get together to create living storyboards of puzzles, narrative elements and concept art for a game, and the structure of grid helps them manage but not limit their expressiveness. We'll be adding more types, but I think what makes this early version of Grid different on the surface is that it is a spatially aware interface that mimics the way we lay things out in our brain, and not for better or worse bound to the limits of our screen size.
Grid docs are a totally untapped idea, so compatible with the human mind.
Can't wait to see all the ways this team unlocks that potential!
Beautiful product.
@pburtchaell we're a small team and we feel there is still some work to do on iOS so no word on an android version yet, however we'll be opening up the web version eventually!
Wakeout Kids
Swap Ideas