John Humphrey

The Peg Board from Greycork - Make awkward, unused spaces in your home more functional.


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John Humphrey
Hey ProductHunt, we at Greycork have launched a new product (and more) this morning. The product is called the Peg Board. It's a way to make those awkward, underutilized spaces in your home more functional. It includes four hooks and a shelf, and more can be added. It's selling for $95 for a limited time. Also, the Peg Board is the first product from our Concept Studio - a new facet of our business model that we also launched today. The aim of the Concept Studio is to build a community that together, brings innovative home products to life. We plan to design and bring innovative products to our Concept Studio on a very regular basis! My last update for today is we are offering dozens of new color options for our living room product collection. Would love to hear your thoughts and questions on what's happening at Greycork!
Igor Marchuk
@johnbhumphrey hey John. Looks neat and practical. Please tell me - where does the price come from?
John Humphrey
@igor_march Thanks Igor. While researching the landscape of competing products, we found a broad range or prices. There were industrial peg board products priced around $40 that you might put in your garage, and then there were leaning or hanging bookshelves of decent quality which could be priced anywhere between $80 - $300. Finally, there were some designer peg boards that were smaller and sell for around $600. We didn't find a perfectly direct comparable during our research, but after filtering through the features we wanted to offer (able to hang, able to lean, usable vertically or horizontally, includes hooks, includes shelf, configurability, suitable for many home applications) and considering our target customer, we determined that a price point of $125 would bring solid value to the product's owner.
Love Greycork...and team GC. May need to pick one of these up
Patrick Thompson
I was excited until I saw the price. I can get an entire kitchen pegboard system (and many other pre-made systems) from Wall Control for less:
Derek Nuzum
@neurohacked I was going to say just go to most any major retailer and they usually have crap old pegboard they could part with for 5 bucks, but metal is far superior to what any retailer uses. I'm highly tempted to pick some of this up to switch out the old pressed pegboard I have... It's starting to warp from humidity.
Wait. I'm not sure I follow here. A standard, ubiquitous pegboard warranted being hunted? How is this different than anything I might find elsewhere or make myself?
Melissa Monte
Yeah, while using peg boards has been a popular organization method on Pinterest for a long time, this price just seems like they're taking advantage...
John Humphrey
@melissamonteee In retrospect I should have mentioned that this product is manufactured near to us, in New Hampshire. I think you would be totally right that if we were producing internationally, this would be an incredibly-high margin sale for us. However, our production strategy is to give priority first to local manufacturers, then regional, then domestic, then international if needed. So, I can promise you, we're not taking advantage of anyone on this!