One of my fondest memories was learning to code. My HS CS teacher was pretty smart in choosing to teach us through making video games in Python. Back then, coding was basically addictive - really one of the purest forms of creation.
After graduating HS, I found myself constantly reaching for that original graphics API - to build a custom visualization for some data or to make a dumb little video game as a weekend project. And I wanted to put it in a web browser to share with my friends via link.
So I rewrote the library for web/javascript. The intention for the library isn't to be something to build AAA games with, but rather be low-overhead and simple enough to learn for any web engineer to learn in minutes for a weekend project.
You can basically make any game by:
* Drawing Shapes/Images
* Play Sounds
* Listen for Mouse/Keyboard Presses
Want to get started? Check the README for the CodePen & boilerplate CLI
Hope you make something fun :)
Hi all, overwhelmed by the positive response here! I've created a GitHub discussions page to connect with all you. Personally, I would love to hear about and try out any projects you guys are working on:
@peter_roto this post was a little too low effort hehe, i meant to attach an image of the code for the ball animation, but attached the wrong screenshot