The Grammarly Keyboard for Android - Grammarly launches new Android keyboard
The Grammarly Keyboard for Android is a personal editor that works seamlessly across all apps. It offers a comprehensive set of writing suggestions to make you a more effective writer.
Orange Harp
Overall, Grammarly is my favorite Android keyboard and I plan to continue using it on a daily basis as my main keyboard. It will be nice when the keyboard adds more customization options.
Pros:Better spelling and grammar check, compared to the native Android keyboard.
Cons:Settings are limited (eg. no dark theme), does not support swiping to type, no Canadian English support
Overall, it's great. 9/10 will continue as my default keyboard if they keep up with the updates.
Pros:An unbelievably smooth UI, the closest description I can come to is - "silk-like."
Surprisingly fast, doesn't take your out of rhythm.
Cons:No Swipe, which I'm sure they'll put in an update.
Seems a bit slow on the contextual front, doesn't correct 'to' from 'yo' immediately.
Works great overall
Pros:Brilliant UI, helps correct entire phrases
Cons:No Swipe
A keyboard without swype is like a keyboard without a space bar. Unusable
Pros:grammer checking
Cons:no swype or themes
Pop to the Shop
I've been a huge fan of this, but on the screenshot it shows a white keyboard and me being on Kitkat ended up getting a black one. I hope you guys bring in customization options
Pros:Loved the Algorithm and way the corrections are done. It's the best in it's field
Cons:No customization options.