
The Grammarly Keyboard for Android - Grammarly launches new Android keyboard


The Grammarly Keyboard for Android is a personal editor that works seamlessly across all apps. It offers a comprehensive set of writing suggestions to make you a more effective writer.

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Roman Guliak
Thanks for the hunt, @arunsathiya! Since we launched our iOS app a few weeks ago, Android users have been eagerly asking for the Grammarly Keyboard. Today, we’re happy to deliver! The Grammarly Keyboard is now available on Android devices. We’re excited to bring Grammarly’s AI-powered algorithms to the people who believe in the value of clear, articulate, and error-free writing. Like the Grammarly Keyboard for iOS, the Grammarly Keyboard for Android integrates with all your mobile apps, including Twitter, Tinder, email, texting apps, and the mobile browser. It offers a comprehensive set of writing suggestions, from context-specific recommendations, including voice and clarity, to fundamentals, such as grammar and punctuation. Give it a try and let us know what you think — your feedback goes a long way toward making our products better.
Lyondhür Picciarelli
@ru1iak any particular reason why you guys don’t include swipe typing within the app? Cheers.
Roman Guliak
@lyondhur We wanted to give our Android users access to the app as soon as it was ready. But we do know that swipe typing is an essential feature for many Android users, so it’s something we will be tackling in the future. Thanks for trying out our keyboard and providing feedback. Stay tuned!
Lyondhür Picciarelli
@ru1iak cheers Roman. I also meant the iOS version. I use a combination of both operational systems for personal and work life, and this would be my number one reason not to use Grammarly on my mobile devices, although I really love your product on the desktop. By the way, I simply spoke this entire paragraph on my iPhone. 😄
Andrew Richard
@lyondhur @ru1iak Dude thanks for making an android version for grammar lyrics. Two weeks ago I was looking for this on the playstore now is available.
.@grammarly finally comes to Android! This was rather a long wait. 🎉
Andrew Richard
Goodbye SwiftKey. GRAMMARLY here I come. 😄😆😘🙆
Anbu Anbalagapandian
Go Ayan and the Grammarly team!
Daylen Sawchuk

Overall, Grammarly is my favorite Android keyboard and I plan to continue using it on a daily basis as my main keyboard. It will be nice when the keyboard adds more customization options.


Better spelling and grammar check, compared to the native Android keyboard.


Settings are limited (eg. no dark theme), does not support swiping to type, no Canadian English support

Anush Fernandes

Overall, it's great. 9/10 will continue as my default keyboard if they keep up with the updates.


An unbelievably smooth UI, the closest description I can come to is - "silk-like."

Surprisingly fast, doesn't take your out of rhythm.


No Swipe, which I'm sure they'll put in an update.

Seems a bit slow on the contextual front, doesn't correct 'to' from 'yo' immediately.

Arjun Krishna Vasisht

Works great overall


Brilliant UI, helps correct entire phrases


No Swipe

Tony Brix

A keyboard without swype is like a keyboard without a space bar. Unusable


grammer checking


no swype or themes

Not enough to pry me away from GBoard yet -- too many missing features.
Roman Guliak
@cacarr thanks for trying out our new product! What features do you miss the most in the Grammarly Keyboard?
Nigel Godfrey
Grammarly is one of my favourite Chome addons, so I had to give this a try. It takes a bit of time to get used to the way it does corrections, but it is much more accurate (mind reading ability) than the built-in checker. And I like my SMSes to be grammar checked, obviously. Early days, but I think this could be a keeper.
Richard Pariath

I've been a huge fan of this, but on the screenshot it shows a white keyboard and me being on Kitkat ended up getting a black one. I hope you guys bring in customization options


Loved the Algorithm and way the corrections are done. It's the best in it's field


No customization options.

Tyler Nass
Its good to see Grammarly on mobile devices also. Grammarly keyboard is also available on App Store.