James Gill

Clippy for your website - A helpful and familiar friend for your website visitors

Clippy for your website is the best way to help your visitors. The same office assistant we all know and love is now available for your website – to help and direct your visitors to where they need to go.

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James Gill
Hi everyone, it's James, one of the makers here. It’s rare that products change the world. Most products launch, get used for a few years (if the makers are lucky), and then get replaced by something better, cheaper, or totally different. Clippy is a product that changed the way we interact with business software – it was the first time a digital assistant helped us get our jobs done faster – providing helpful, friendly prompts as you’re working on important written documents in Microsoft Word. So we're thrilled to bring everything that was universally loved about Clippy to your website – helpful and not-at-all patronising nudges and prompts to help your visitors on their journey around your website. We hope you enjoy getting to know Clippy again! P.S. You can optionally enable Clippy on your website right now from within your GoSquared account – it actually works ;-)
James Gill
@v2s2c oh wow this is awesome – great minds haha!
Leo Bassam
Omg... I am totally enabling Clippy on Plutio! 😍 But please tell me this is not just for April fools? 👀 I want to keep Clippy!!! 😂
James Gill
@loaibassam 😂 we will see what we can do, Leo!
Dre Durr💡
Straight out of the Pied Piper🎺marketing playbook. Dope🚬