Google Sites
A totally rebuilt Sites, customer-tested and open for business
The New Google Sites — Create and share webpages

Ryan Hoover
Google Sites is a decent solution for internal wiki's and documentation.
Andy Cook
@rrhoover What are you using at ProductHunt for an internal wiki? Would love to talk to you about if you're using Slack and don't have anything setup yet.
André Filgueira Simões
@andygcook you guys at are using something to internal wiki's? Do you know some tool for small businesses communication? We are using google docs to create our alignment docs, but it's hard to find content over there.
@oandre Have you tried Quip? For document sharing, editing, Quip is great. @andygcook
Andy Cook
@pravilz @oandre My team is building an internal wiki for teams right now, so we use at Tettra :) Right now Tettra's for Slack teams only, but we plan to add Google Apps login support soon too. If you're not using Slack, Google Sites would be my suggestion for an internal wiki for your team. The new version is pretty good for creating a static handbook like experience. It lacks features to help you keep your team's knowledge up-to-date and organized, which is something we're working on at Tettra. We also make it easy to access Tettra right from your Slack through a /slash command. You could also checkout Nuclino, and Quip, although my belief is that those three are less wiki-focused and are more replacements for Google Docs that you can happen to turn into a wiki with enough jiggering. There's also the tried-and-true Confluence by Atlassian. It's a solid product and does basically everything you'd need, but can also feel like overkill at times because it does everything you might not need too.
Andreas Duess
@andygcook @pravilz @oandre Tettra is pretty slick - but I am just not prepared to open yet another knowledge silo and then pay an additional monthly fee. No slight on the Tettra guys intended, the product looks great and you got to make a living. This is part of our existing google suite and a great addition for internal comms.
Joshua Dance
We use Google Sites for an internal wiki. It gets the job done.
Olivier Amar
There are so many better solutions to website building. Sites is a poor answer. Google would have done better buying out Wix, Squarespace or IM Creator and launching that under its brand.
Todd Maycunich
Would love it if they incorporated data studio into the new sites. Or maybe, alternatively, functionality from sites into data studio. Either way, it would be great to be able to incorporate data and rich content together. I'll wait patiently...
James Koole
No Opera support, despite Opera being Chromium. C'mon, Google.
Ivan Brezak Brkan
So they release the new Google Slides a few months after we set up a WordPress theme as our intranet (alongside Gdocs and Slack), after YEARS of not updating it. Google, I love you but aaaarghhhhh
Honey Raj Varma
I do love Google's Sites as I use it as a quick Learning Management System (LMS), however when I played withthe newer Google Sites, I do see that its not a 1-to-1 migration of the previous feature set at all 'just yet'. That being said, Google, like Apple and others, does allow for sync, integration, and ease of use across documents with other Google products that make life easier. Hoping someone from @google can provide more insights?
Ravi Vyas
I started using Google Sites for PureMetrics's internal wiki last week. I see a lot of missing features, due to which Google may have a migration headache (hope they do plan a migration feature) 1. No keyboard shortcuts (in Classic you can create and edit all with keyboard shortcuts, makes it quicker 2. No widgets : For example so subpage listing or sitemaps 3 No comments 😔
Allan Caeg
Is it just me or are all Google Sites now public-only? How do you make a team wiki private?
Joshua Talley
So much better than the original. Just wish the footer wasn't so enormous or could be removed/modified.
Great ! is this a prototype of a WIX / Site builders / WP killer ? An advanced mode with just a few more elements to drag/drop - a shopping cart widget - a few tweaks and publish under your own url and it will be the perfect tool for most of individuals and SME webmasters. No ?
Already working on building out an internal wiki and very pleased with the results so far, nice work!
Wordpress drag & drop competitor 😜 ❓
Mehmet Perk
The tagline had to be: WEBMASTERS WILL HATE THIS!
jeff h white
Doesn't work on Safari. Interesting.
Corey Abramowitz
And winner of the best product videos goes to: Google!
Corey Abramowitz
Are they finally responsive?
So Blogger need a good restyle especially for themes
Reony T
Way better solution than Sharepoint 😆 Are people going to use this for a personal/portfolio website too though?
Ktryn Dchrs
Great tool, but limited Support (Where is Opera & Safari?)