Robleh Jama

Meet Enhancement Suite Pro - Make Google Meet more like Zoom, the Pro edition


Google Meet, with super powers ⚡️ Meet Enhancement Suite Pro adds over 10 new features that helps make Google Meet a little more like Zoom – including picture-in-picture, dark mode, transparent bar, and more!

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Akhilesh Balaji
This is really nice, but the free version has very limited features. Hope you will add more features to this in the future!
Corey Pollock
@akhilesh_balaji Thanks Akhilesh! We have some free version features in the pipeline we hope to release soon. Stay tuned! Any features in particular you'd like to see?
Akhilesh Balaji
@cpollo01 I would really enjoy having virtual backgrounds on Meet that actually work, instead of just glitching out when I stick out my hand, or even AR filters, like Snapchat. Would be nice if you can include things like these in future updates!
Corey Pollock
@akhilesh_balaji very cool! Google is actually introducing virtual backgrounds in their next update – we're looking forward to seeing what we can build on top of them!
Akhilesh Balaji
@cpollo01 Oh, really? I never knew that! Happy to hear that you'll be building on top of it. Best of luck!
Corey Pollock
Thanks for posting @robjama ! We built Google Meet Enhancement Suite to solve some of the pains and frustrations we were having with Google Meet. In the month that followed we learned that problems are never experienced by just one person . In this case, it turned out to be more than 100,000 people who were simply trying to make their new work-from-home situation a little easier. Meet Pro is designed for those Google Meet power users – with over 10 features, Meet Pro makes Google Meet more like Zoom. Here’s a highlight of some of the new features included in Meet Pro: 🖼 Picture-In-Picture 🌃 Dark Mode ✨ Transparent bottom bar 🔇 Mute All Participants 🔛 Auto-full Screen If you’re spending more time using Google Meet while working from home, we’d love for you to try out Meet Pro and let us know your thoughts! 🚨For Product Hunt folks we’re offering 10% off, forever, on any of our Meet Pro plans using the discount code MeetProPH 🚨 We plan to continue building new features for Meet Pro, with new releases every month. If you have any feature suggestions, please leave them in the comments below! Here’s a taste of what we have coming next: • Automatically go to current Meet tab • Mirrored videos • Quick emoji responses in chat • Remove all participants So here's my question for you – what style do you prefer to take your video calls in? 👇🏻
This is great Corey!
Corey Pollock
@nashtheory Thanks Nash!
Re: poll, the only reason I'd want a native desktop app is for performance. Google meet is using up far more CPU than any other service, often 100% on modern hardware. Our team is switching away because of it. If there's an alternative that uses less CPU, that'd be awesome.
Corey Pollock
@mikhailt very good insight Mike! Appreciate the note :)
Jessica Trinh-Roseli
Great Product for teachers! Love the remove all and mute all :)