Ben Tossell

Hire, by Google - A new service for helping businesses recruit

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Noah Kim
It must be amazing to work at Google and come up with names for your products. We all sit here, putting in hours of research, thesaurusing, mood boarding, and domain availability searching for a name that's passably sensical. At Google, people be like "We're making a tool to hire people, what should we call it?". "How about Hire". "GENIUS!".
Thomas Leitermann
@wuss they have it easy, no need to worry about SEO or discoverability of the new name :D
Joshua Pinter
@wuss They can also bulldoze anybody else with the existing name or trademark. "Legal team, come forth!"
Davis Nunez
@wuss hahah, we just made a maps app, how should we call it? "maps".
Ryan Hoover
Hire, not to be confused with Hired. Google is going strong into the recruiting/jobs space. They recently introduced a jobs "card" within their search results. E.g.
Christine Ng
We are so excited about this - it would transform the entire recruiting experience in-house. Any ideas as to when this would go live on this side of the pond?
Niv Dror
It seems like every big company is launching a hiring solution the last few months ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Ben Tossell
Google today announced the launch of Hire, a new service that helps businesses more effectively manage their internal recruiting process. Hire offers businesses a cohesive applicant tracking service that’s deeply integrated with G Suite to make it easier for businesses to communicate with their candidates and track their progress through the interview process. Coverage on TechCrunch
Matt Klein
With powerful offerings like Gmail, Calendar or Hangouts, Google is finding new (sometimes originally questionable) ways to direct people to those services. Hiring makes complete sense as it leverages a lot of existent G Suite products.
Thomas Leitermann
@kleinkleinklein we're on GSUITE currently, going to check with our HR team how they would like it... To me it makes total sense...
Arlo Gilbert
This isn't launched or available. I don't get why it is here on PH. I applied for a demo with a 10 person company on Gsuite and they emailed me back telling me we don't qualify to use it.
Anis Fehri
Could it be the start of a new professional social network?
David Carpe
@afehri_ certainly feels like it's a step away from profile integration for any candidate or market participant who might wish to interact with multiple companies but maintain one profile
Daeshawn Ballard
This makes me wonder about what the the overarching goal is at Google, if not for Cloud dominance. First, they make job boards surface better results and now they want to manage that pipeline. Whatever the reason, Google is aware just as we are at Imagine Careers, there is something wrong with the fundamentals of the hiring experience. Looking forward to see how this plays out.
Mohammed Rafy
Still waiting when Amazon and Facebook will launch this service. Interesting months ahead.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Mohammed Rafy
@chrismessina Is it public? I thought that was still in beta.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@nateritter lol, grabbed the article using GBoard. GOOGLE SEES EVERYTHING.
Brock Azure
Will be interesting to see what Facebook does with Jobs to combat this in the future.
Jason Scheckner
@brockazure I think facebook is more interested in capturing jobs as natural part of the user experience. Google is going straight after Indeed and companies like Greenhouse, Lever, etc. Google has Gsuite, so the ATS is a natural Add on. It would be a bigger reach for Facebook to add ATS. I think they will compete for jobs, especially in the hourly/gig space.
Sabri Helal
Problem is a lot of businesses still use Microsoft Outlook looks like this requires Gmail
Anthony Onesto
I tried to get a demo, but it said that based on my information provided, they are not able to offer it to our organization. Seems like we had all the right answers, small, Google focused email and calendar, etc. Any ideas on the criteria for a demo?
Jay Pius
Wow, it's pretty awesome!
Dylan Buckley
This looks incredible and being part of the G-Suite offering is 🔥. I would think everyone at Greenhouse etc is very scared right now.
Christian Bonilla
Does anyone know if mail templates are or will be incorporated into Gmail? I've been dying for that feature (maybe I've missed it)
Dave Seeman
The pricing page doesn't have pricing. Not a good sign! I expected this would be an add on for gsuite. It would be interesting if they bill it as a premium offering instead of another reason to use gsuite.
Napoleon Suarez
@daveaseeman I'm with you. I think they will upcharge for this (which is a shame). Makes more sense to just bake it into g suite.
Patrick Wang
@daveaseeman Possibly feeling out the pricing until they get a good handle on what they can charge that meets market expectations.
Brent Williams
Thank you @arlogilbert, surprised @chrismessina and @rrhoover didn't call out as well. If goal of product hunt is to discover new products not sure how Amazon and Google making up up 3 of top 5 makes sense.
Ryan Hoover
@brentskeez I hear you although products are ranked based on the community's upvotes and ultimately, big companies like Amazon and Google make up a very small % of the products launch on Product Hunt.
Brent Williams
@rrhoover Good to hear yesterday large companies aren't given disproportionate weight. I'm probably a little biased and frustrated as they knocked HappyMeter out of the top 5 yesterday 😉.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
I hear there's a couple job openings in the Justice Department's antitrust division.
Alex Guggenberger
It frustrates me because it seems as though all these companies are coming out with job search applications that make it easier for the companies, but not the job seekers. Ideally, I want platform that is tailored for the job seeker and can give me all the information about the company before I make a decision about applying.
Jason Scheckner
@alex_guggenberger, enter @jobiki? I think your point is correct, but if you think about the fact that 60-70% of job searches start on google, then google would answer that they have made it easier. I believe your point is it doesn't solve for is making it easier to get a job rather than find jobs. I've been in the job space for a long time, and there doesn't seem to be a silver bullet, but I'll check out Jobiki when it's live!
Alex Guggenberger
@jobiki @jscheckner we are now live: (check out Minneapolis for some cool companies)
Zack Liscio

Love the pricing and direction, please add more integrations


Incredible pricing, easy interface, gmail/gsuite integration


No full-featured integrations for LinkedIn, AngelList