Ben Tossell

GoodRipple 2.0 - Making hard conversations with coworkers easy on Slack


Have hard conversations with coworkers on Slack with Caring Candor (helps you articulate what you will say with authenticity and care).

Send fun positive messages to coworkers anonymously

Send fun personality badges in channels

When we are at work there are little things that can make our work lives awesome. GoodRipple helps you do those.

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Hard conversations should be had face to face. Sorry but this app seems appropriate for bad managers and cowards only. If my boss has something hard to say to me, I want him or her to look me in the eye. How would you feel about being told you were being made redundant, or that the promotion you applied for wasn't given.... over Slack?
Ben Tossell
@mickc79 I don't think this would be used for being made redundant or no promotion... because that would be for shitty managers for sure! But as the increase in remote teams who rely on Slack it could help with some things. Then take it to video chat for the harder convos.
Rama Veeraragoo
@mickc79 Hi Mick, Thanks for your thoughts. You are right. No one should be told they are being made redundant over Slack or text. There are other conversations that people may find hard, but which are not of the kind of 'being made redundant' which people may decide to have on Slack. We did hear this feedback and this is why people said they could use Caring Candor to articulate their hard conversation so they can have it in person. Hope this helps!
Rama Veeraragoo
Hey, this is Rama from GoodRipple. We have been working hard on GoodRipple 2.0. GoodRipple (original) was focused on having kind act challenges at work - we found that the kind act challenges required too much effort (not sure what that says about us humans...), but we saw that people were using the anonymous kind message feature in the original product. We focused on making things much easier for people to bring their full human selves to work. What's new: 1. Caring Candor using Slack Actions- helps you come up with a mindset and script for having hard conversations in a caring way at work (we listened to the stress and toxic environments that are created when hard conversations are not had or are had badly). So we used some tried & tested frameworks to help authentic conversations to happen that help strengthen the relationship between coworkers. 2. You can send cool Personality Badges in channels using Slack Actions. 3. You can send fun positive messages anonymously. Lots more things to come. We'd love your feedback on what we are working on. Also on Caring Candor - what conversations were you able to have and how that freed you up and made your work relationships better? Thank you for being an awesome community to help makers build cool things!
Rama Veeraragoo
By the way, it is #worldkindnessday today and had no idea we were launching on this day!
Rama Veeraragoo
Thanks: some more context on Caring Candor in case useful:
Faye Tracey

Look forward to seeing it continue to grow!


Great product and leadership team


Great to see it available on other platforms

Rama Veeraragoo
Thanks, Faye! For now, we are on Slack only :-)
Prashant Shah

The team has put a lot of thought behind this and continues improving it with user input.


Nice way to send quick accolades to colleagues.


Not all hard conversations will be suitable