Podcast discovery solved!
Ken Ramberg
Goodpods — Podcast discovery solved!
Podcast discovery is broken. With Goodpods, you can follow your smartest, funniest, most thoughtful friends and influencers to see what podcasts they’re listening. Named one of the Top 10 Most Innovative Social Media Companies of 2021 by Fast Company

Ken Ramberg
Hi All, We started Goodpods for those moments when you're staring at your phone -- about to hop in the car or go for a run -- wondering what podcast to listen to next, wishing that someone would magically appear with a good recommendation. And who better to get those recommendations from than friends who know you best or experts you admire (Alyssa Milano, Simon Sinek, Malcolm Gladwell, Gretchen Rubin and many more have jumped on-board)? This already exists with books. And music. We just wanted it for podcasts too! Think of Goodpods like this: TripAdvisor -> Find Hotels Goodreads -> Find Books Yelp -> Find Restaurants Rotten Tomatoes -> Find Movies wait for it... Goodpods -> Find Podcasts Thanks so much for checking out the app!
Justin Chitla
Very cool ideas! I've been looking to interact more with listeners and other podcasters so I will be giving this a try! One bit of early feedback, it would be really cool to have an ongoing chat/comments section per episode or maybe something like soundcloud where you can leave comments at certain times. ?makers keep up the great work and feel free to reach out to me for feedback as I am a very avid podcast listener and I have my own podcast as well! :)
Benoit Chambon
@sideklick you podcast consumer haha ;)
Jack Davis
very fun graphics and an interesting idea!
Ben Jarris
My favorite podcast app by far, there are some serious celebs on there, it's great to see what other people are listening to and get recommendations. And you can find great podcast lists for ling trips, and follow groups of like minded people who recommend great podcast episodes you'll never find in a million years.