
Goodnight Journal 2.0 - Facebook for journaling

Personal journal app for everyone where you can get connected with others!
Goodnight Journal is the only personal journal app that offers modern design that works the same on any device, with the community, chat and features to boost your mental health.

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We are so excited to launch Goodnight Journal 2.0 with new features to help you get connected with other journal writers and stay motivated to journal. Would love to hear your feedback :)
Miao Xu
Having just used the new app, I can say that the new chat feature works extremely well and allows me to connect with other journal members. Thanks for thinking of the community!
@miao_xu Thank you for the review!!
Marie Tiratira
The new chat function is also very neat as I have met some friends here too.
@marie_tiratira Thank you for the review!
Alan Lam
The new chat feature is amazing. I can interact and engage with other members in the community now!! Finally!!!
@actoralan Glad to hear that you like the new chat feature. Looking forward to chat with you soon :)
Daryll Wong
The idea of public journal sounds interesting! I wouldn't want to post such a thing on facebook or twitter, so this separate journal platform may be great. Thinking if there could be some kind of integration with facebook/twitter? since the aim is to get people to read your journals too.
@daryllman Thank you for the comment. The separation from Facebook and Twitter was intentional from the beginning. Things may change in the future but not at this time around :)
Marie Tiratira
This is an awesome product. It is an avenue to express your thoughts and feelings without being judged or criticized. It also helped me cut down my social media use since I now put it in Goodnight Journal.
Seb Jachec
Tangential, but after seeing the one-liner.. ‘Facebook for <>’ isn’t quite the mark of quality/innovation/trust it used to be 😄
@iamsebj Thank you for the comment and pointing that out. We totally see where you coming from ;)
Max Prilutskiy
Looks nice, best of luck! 💯
Brian Gonzalez
You�ve Got It
@briangonzalez14 Thank you for the comment!
Mari Matsuzaki
Thanks for sharing! Journaling on my phone hasn't been easy for me personally, curious to try out your product :) Love the design too!
Bryan Seok
Such a lovely product with positiveness inside. Relaxing design as well.
Szymon Adamiak
Wanted to start journaling for years now. Maybe now it's the right moment? It looks cool!
Harri Arain
make sure to see Staff Timer App's latest version so you can manage your entire team globally
Nicole Rose
A+ Work
Jennifer Johnson
You Go the Extra Mile