Branden Harvey

Goodnewspaper - A printed newspaper full of good news

Goodnewspaper is a monthly physical newspaper that celebrates the people, ideas, and movements that are changing the world for the better

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Branden Harvey
Hi! I'm Branden— the creator of the Goodnewspaper. If you're feeling overwhelmed by the division, bad news, and injustices happening all over the world but want to join in on being a part of movement of good, this is for you. We believe that by noticing and celebrating good news, we then are inspired to become good news ourselves. This hopeful mentality has been the ethos behind the stories I've shared on Instagram, Snapchat, my podcast, and my newsletter for years— and now we're going totally analog to inspire and empower people to make a difference in the world.
Ryan Hoover
I kind of love that you're launching a physical paper in 2017. Will we see a resurgence of the newspaper in the coming decade, similar to vinyl's increase in popularity? 🤔
Branden Harvey
@rrhoover I think we're going to see a spike in physical media (newspapers, magazines, etc) in the coming years for two reasons. 1) As our lives become more digital, people want physical (and nostalgic) representations of the things and ideas they love. This is vinyl to a T. 2) Because there's unlimited real estate online, the need for quality has decreased as more publications, content creators, etc, go after quantity. In the world of news, that's why we see clickbait. It grabs our attention so we choose to spend our limited time engaging with that content— even if it's less quality. In physical media, there's a finite amount of content you can include, therefore the best content is what ends up getting printed. There's a level of quality assurance built right in. That's why (among other reasons) the New York Times saw a huge spike in subscriptions in the last year. We think it's both a funny and perfect time to be creating a physical newspaper (and joining the #CrookedMedia 😉)
Kunal Bhatia
This is so good :) I stopped watching local news for this very reason, although I do miss the daily dose of dog stories that gets thrown in to boost ratings/balance the negative news. I assume your paper has me covered?
Branden Harvey
@kunalslab Hahah. I totally hear you on cutting local news out of your diet. Hahah. In all honesty, my wife and I just got a new puppy (her name is Poptart) a few weeks ago and we're obsessed. Maybe we'll have to see what we can do to incorporate her. :)
Jóhann Hannesson
This is a product that has really come at the right time. The dominant voices in media (social or traditional) skew wildly in the direction of death, drama, and scandal. And the nature of the web today means you need to make a concerted effort just to moderate the bad news you see everyday to say nothing of introducing good news into your feeds. Consider me thoroughly onboard.
Jason Dainter
This is a nice idea. It reminds me a bit about the talks by legend Hans Rosling (RIP)
Branden Harvey
@jasondainter Thank you so much, Jason. I don't think I've ever heard of Hans! Looking forward to looking into him!
Branden Harvey
@mtzler Thank you, Mike! Your support means so much to us!
Derek Swanson
Just backed! Very excited for this.
Branden Harvey
@derekmswanson Thank you so much, Derek! We're honored to be focusing on good with you.
Ash Alwi
We all need this right now :)
Olga Gabdulkhakova
What a lovely idea!
Love it! I had the same idea for a news website last year where only good news would be published.
Mike Garrett
Not to be a party pooper, but isn't this was has been doing for a while now?
Kelly Kuhn-Wallace
@mikengarrett Good is a global media and community engagement firm. They partner with non-profits and corps to get public involved as change agents in socioeconomic and environmental issues. The GOOD publication is one of several outlets where Good can publish client content. The content is about doing good or moving towards a better society, but it covers deets that non-newsers should skip. *Really, Good isn't a client. Just a fangyrl.