@rrhoover I wouldn't really call this a facelift, they rarely even changed anything other than make the color of the bar on the top red. I still prefer the deafult iOS Mail app, not sure why but sometimes sticking to basics is the best way to go. It's simple, but perfect in every way at the same time. :)
@raritan@nivo0o0 It's no more exhausting than the cognitive exhaustion of having 3 or 4 or 5 digits on your unread mail count. :)
And it's easy to start: select every email on your Inbox — every single one — go through the last month or so, deselect everything that looks both actionable and important, then Archive All. If it's older than a month it's not really important — if it was, you would have replied/take action by now. And if there's anything older than a month that is actually important, it will come back to the top of your inbox at some point. Relax.
From this point on, it's just a matter of not letting the emails pile on again. Archive everything that's not important or actionable. Create filters to help you with this. (Google Inbox's automatic "bundles" are great for this.) Deflect emails to come back another day if they're important but you won't be taking action on them today. If you start to go too many days without reaching Inbox Zero and too many mails are piling up on your Inbox (for me this threshold is 15, 20 max), make a concentrated effort to get to Inbox Zero that day and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with it.
@raritan@nivo0o0 Simple solution: don't use iOS Mail app. Or at least have the Inbox app installed and ready for when you need to search. But at this point I would just suggest using the Inbox app entirely — it's better anyway. Plus, you're using email from Google, makes more sense to use it on a Google app than on an Apple one.
Dammit the default view is now always "Important & Unread". Even if you switch views manually, it switches back next time (and you can't change the default anywhere)
@aprudy@guy Agree. I'm carrying a iPhone 7 Plus now, and they managed to take up so much more of the screen with garish defaults that it actually lost information density and personal relevance.
@guy old comment (I know!) but if you're looking for a different layout you may want to consider some gmail extensions. We have one (DragApp.com) but there are loads thatn will add a lot 'extra' onto Gmail experience.
@ourielohayon It's also amazing to me that after all this time css doesn't render properly in gmail.. The amount of hours I've wasted designing emails with the most disgusting inline css is not fun
@ourielohayon I made the switch to Android and that's been the most frustrating part. No good email apps. I've always felt the Gmail app on Android is very average at best and has a lot of functionality that is just a head scratcher to me as to why it's even there. Can't believe Google hasn't put out a solid email app yet.
This is 👌. in addition to the features they mentioned, Gmail app for IOS now supports responsive HTML, which means that any marketing/transactional/formatted emails you receive suddenly got a whole lot easier to read.
Interesting. In this new version I can not choose my privacy settings and all images are downloaded by default. This makes me vulnerable to marketing software trying to know whether I've opened an email.
The reason why I kept using the gmail app was this feature. This feature is not included in the gmail counterpart "Inbox" either. Now I'll have to stop using gmail on my iPhone!
I am not sure why would they remove this feature... anybody has thoughts about this?
@raulsann Same here. I looked high and low to find the setting to disable downloading of images by default but can't find it. Makes me wish they didn't update the app.
@benhomie totally. I should have kept the old version. This feature is available on the Android app. It doesn't make sense that they decided not to add it for iOS.
Until they get something like the Outlook app iOS (email, calendar, contacts, files), their app is not very useful to me. Getting tasks in their as well would be great!
Thankful they've updated (finally) but doesn't have any killer features and doesn't come anywhere close to something like Polymail.
Also, after so long they don't even update the app icon? The app icon is automatically connected to memories of the ugly old interface. Should have put out a fresh one to have a truly "new design"
@adammydesign I'm using gmail+mixmax and gmelius and I love it, but I've seen polymail featured on PH a few months back. One major turn-off for me is that its not multiplatform compatible yet, when they support win10 + android too I will consider switching.
Aand.. does Polymail support gmails priority inbox as well as blocking-other-trackers? And whats their privacy policy like?
Visually stunning but unless I am missing something have now lost ability to:
- multi select from inbox and send to trash
- mark an email as unread
- swiping only allows one to archive not delete
@scottjacques All of these are included:
- Multi-select by doing a long-tap on any email
- tap the Envelope icon on top right of any message view to mark as unread
- change default from archive to delete in Settings.
I still don't get why Google doesn't use a more common interface for the iOS users. I get it, they are obsessed with Material Design and want more people to use it (even though I personally don't like it, it's a good design framework, to be honest). A good mobile design language should adapt for both platforms.
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