Setting up bots can have a bit of a learning curve, so we created a Discord starter bot with an interactive install guide that walks you through every step of the process. Learn more.
Our users told us that setting up bots had a bit of a learning curve, so we created a Discord starter bot with an interactive install guide that walks you through every step of the process. Now you can go from idea to bot, faster.
It's perfect whether you're a Discord fan who wants to explore the world of bots, an aspiring coder, or both. Through this guide, you'll learn about the tech that makes bots work: APIs, Javascript, Node.js, Botkit, Discord.js and more. But it's only the beginning of your bot journey. This bot was born to remix. *This bot was born to dance.*
And remixing on Glitch means you get your own copy of the bot to customize as you like.