Ben Lang

Glimpse - Discover exploding trends before they take off

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Glimpse is a monthly newsletter that surfaces rapidly growing trends: companies, products, industries, and styles.

The trends are identified by tracking nearly every word and phrase across search, media, shopping, and social websites, then surfacing those that show rapid growth.

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Dhruv Garg

I use the industries info and its nuts how much this has helped our marketing teams, product dev teams as well as PR. The trends guide our decisions in narrowing down where to focus our funds/ efforts


some of the smartest most amazing insights. the surfaced trends are pretty neat- one of the better newsletters in a long time.


Would love daily insights. Also would be cool if it was a tool instead of a newsletter

Noah Fram-Schwartz
Hi Hunters! We first built Glimpse to get a better sense of where to start new ventures and where to make new investments. It’s since evolved into a monthly newsletter for entrepreneurs, investors, growth marketers, and generally interested people, to discover exploding trends before they take off. We consume as much data as possible - all the words and phrases being used above a certain frequency threshold across major sites that represent the largest categories of activity - social, shopping, search, media, entertainment, etc. We then surface the trends that show rapid growth, rapid decline, or other interesting features. Have questions? Ping me!
Ryan Hoover
Suuuuper interesting. I didn't realize canned wine is on an upswing. 🤔
Sheron Lowe
there is no way to unsubscribe from the monthly subscription! I have sent emails and no response from them
Cory Berenice
@sheron_lowe I've always had issues with this, we've tried cancelling the monthly subscription but our credit card is still being charged. No response from their customer support email.
Jordan Gonen
this is awesome! Noah is one of the best and most clever makers I know.
Jonathan Z. White
Noah has been working on this for a while now 🙏 Glimpse provides a lot of interesting insight, even identifying micro-trends as they are taking off. I'm really looking forward to see where this goes!
Evan Kimbrell
Looks neat, but doesn't establish enough value upfront to justify paying $29 / month. You might consider trialing your lowest paid tier
Colton Robtoy
I think I'm going to Love this....all about the Data
Robert Bye
Top Product
Sadly it's not letting me purchase the subscription. Is anyone else having errors?
Eric Neal
Clean concept. Could you give more detail on the data being used to map these trends?
Noah Fram-Schwartz
@eric_neal Hey Eric! We look at a number of the major sites across a few core categories - search, social, shopping, media, and entertainment. As far as the data, it's a combination of text and relevant factors that would affect that text. For example, the number of views a video has would give a certain weight to the words in the title and, to a lesser extent, the words/phrases in the comment section. Let me know if you have any other questions!
Rohan Pavuluri

Can’t wait to see what In here.


Awesome stuff, Noah!



Florian Behr
@noahframschwartz Sounds awesome! Does this work with German language / in Germany?
Noah Fram-Schwartz
@flode Hey Florian! Thanks for stopping by. While our internal tools surface trends regardless of the language, we're currently mainly discussing only English language trends in the newsletters. Of course, this may change in the future!
Frank Jon Cona
Very Cool!. Does the data correlate to buying patterns too?
Noah Fram-Schwartz
@mefranco Hey Frank! Given that the trend line is an overall measure of popularity, there does tend to be a relatively strong correlation with the trend lines and buying patterns in most categories. Speaking generally, the more specific the keyword, the greater the intent on average, so the higher the correlation.
Daniel Roger Casanova
This is awesome, would be cool if it was a tool rather than a newsletter. Would love to see all of the trends, but at $39/mo it's unaffordable for my curiosity
Noah Fram-Schwartz
@danirogerc Thanks for stopping by Daniel! One of our goals with Glimpse is to provide actionable insights beyond just keywords and their growth curves. It's quite a large operation to do this across enough categories and keywords to the point where an interactive tool would make sense, though we'll certainly get there in due time. Until then, we're doing hand-picked trends through the monthly newsletter. Stay tuned for the coming updates!
Sidian M.S. Jones
I would sub if it were a lower price, even if it had restrictions.
Ben Lang
Top Product
I'm a big Noah fan - subscribed as soon as I saw what he was building. Congrats on the launch!
Ben Lang
Top Product
@clarkvalberg You might like this product ⏫
Hovo Evans
Looks interesting
Taylor Majewski
I think this a fresh idea in the newsletter realm — and super useful. How did you decide on the price point for the two paid tiers @noahframschwartz ?
Noah Fram-Schwartz
@taylormajewski Hey Taylor - thanks for checking us out! We arrived at the price points based on costs to support our infrastructure and hit our growth milestones. As revenue grows, we'll grow our team in order to: 1. Add a greater amount of actionable insights to the newsletter 2. Get even better at early detection of trends. The earlier the better and the higher projection certainty, the better.
Nick Frost
David Iwanow
So I like the idea but do agree it would be nice if this was an app and not a newsletter I hate email so prefer to consume content when I choose via logging in...