Travis Kimmel

20 Patterns to Watch for in Engineering - GitPrime's guide to debug your development process with data


20 Patterns to Watch For in Your Engineering Team is a field guide to help engineering leaders recognize achievement, spot bottlenecks, and debug their development process with data.

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Taylor Sloane
Super interesting actionable read about spotting, and more interestingly *fixing*, issues you'll 100% definitely face one day with your engineering team. There's lots in here that unfortunately, as an engineering leader, I'm guilty of doing myself (to my team: I'm sorry). Amazing quality as always from GitPrime. đź‘Ź
Taylor Sloane
Now that you've worked with so many teams, which of the 20 patterns here do you think is the most damaging to smaller teams (< 10 engineers)? And do you think it changes as you scale?
John Witchel
@jakeapeters Heroing. Without a doubt. In a small company you're often just in survival mode so a diving catch is often what's needed, end of story. But it's important to keep in mind that most people are in startups you're closer to the metal in a startup. So when you "save" someone you may be unintentionally undermining the very reason they joined which is to grow as a developer. This can be a painful tradeoff. Not making the save may trigger real pain. But more often than not it's a pain people want to own. It's how we grow. So hero when you have to, but know that there's a personal expense you may not be pricing in when deciding is it worth it.
Taylor Sloane
@johnwitchel Makes a ton of sense, and definitely one that I'm guilty of myself. I need to get better at knowing where to draw the line and think "actually, yeah, this'll be bad, but it's not bad enough to get involved and deprive the person of learning". Thanks for the insight!
Travis Kimmel
Delighted to be sharing our new book, 20 Patterns to Watch for in Your Engineering Team. If you’re an engineering leader looking for opportunities to coach and celebrate teammates, or to spot bottlenecks and debug your development process with data, this book will help. We’ve distilled some of the most common work patterns observed in software teams into chapters that quickly guide you through what each pattern is, how to identify them with data, and what do to when you see them in your team. Grab a copy today and let us know what you think.
Aaron Silverman

This book is based on the GitPrime software which I've been happily using for years.


Data-driven approaches to engineering management to compliment traditional, qualitative management.


Could be useful to simplify what a good engineer looks like to a single pattern: "This is generally what high performers look like".

Aaron Silverman
Love the book! Armed with GitPrime's dashboards and a knowledge of how various work patterns correlate to productivity, it easy for an engineering leader to start at the 10,000-foot view of the engineering team and then quickly drill down into specific teams and individuals who may need attention. This dynamic perspective allows for timely recognition and feedback that can nip potential problems in the bud and keep teams engaged and delivering. Engineering leaders who ignore data are at a serious disadvantage, which is why I recommend this accessible and practical book.
Adam Roessler
Like the GitPrime product, this book highlights some of the patterns that we as software managers see every day but don't always have words or metrics for. Worth the read.
Hello Makers, It promises to be an interesting product... I have requested a copy yesterday but haven't received one yet... Kindly send me a copy... Thanks and have a great day!
Ben Thompson
@rockyb appreciate that. if you DM me on Twitter I'll send you a copy and get this figured out. Thanks!
Bun Alice