Last week, GitHub released an awesome feature called Topics. It allows authors to tag their repository. You may notice that a lot of popular repos now have those tags underneath their titles.
In response, I'm launching a simple project, Awesome Github Topics. It's an indexed list of the top 500 topics on GitHub that I painstaking filtered and categorized into different categories based on developer interests. It's a chance to explore how the community have been using topics, hope you find it useful.
@bentossell should be fixed now, Looks like that primary CTA button was hooked up using regular react-router which only works for internal links. Let me know if you are still having issues, might need to clear browser cache to get the latest build.
@zhou_thomas@bentossell Works well now. I think it would be nicer if it took you back to the page you were looking at (here: the topics list) after logging in.
Whale Whispers
Whale Whispers
Whale Whispers
Whale Whispers
Whale Whispers