Charlie Irish

GitHub Desktop - The New Native


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The Sultan of Sex
More Electron! How many Electron apps can I run at once? 😞
not at the level of GitTower yet... but it looks nice and I'm definitely watching that repo. :)
Jevin Sew
Surely this has been posted before?
David Wikoff
@jevinsew It's a new beta version of it. Doesn't look like I'll be using it, but it looks pretty reworked to me.
Rodrigo Hillion
way faster than the first version
Here's hoping this will speed things up on a dark theme for Mac.
Aditya Moghe
Looks promising. I'll give it a shot
David Mermelstein
Eh. Not much better than v1 & 100 + mb bigger. Not that space matters unless Xcode keeps growing at the rate it's growing. Lol.