Tim Herbig

Git2Go - The Git client for iPhone and iPad you always wanted


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Tim Herbig
Hi everybody, this is Tim, one of the makers behind Git2Go. When @pietbrauer and I started to discuss the idea of Git2Go earlier this year, we we’re driven by the idea to unleash use cases which are far more complex than to-do lists or twitter clients from the desktop as their primary platform. We imagined a world in which you could easily change code whereever you are, commit changes straight to a repository and instantly update the product experience for your users. Now, 9 months later, we’re beyond proud to finally introduce the first version of Git2Go to you. It brings powerful features like seamles GitHub integration, an easy to use code editor and full support for your commit history to your iPhone or iPad. We're already hard at work to submit version 1.1 with some neat new features but are of course thankful for every feedback we can get as early as possible! Cheers, Tim
Sacha Greif
@herbigt looks cool! But I thought I read once that Git couldn't be ported to iOS because of licensing issues? Was that wrong? Or did you find a workaround?
Piet Brauer
@sachagreif We use ObjectiveGit on top of libgit2 which has a linking exception in the GPLv2 license. https://libgit2.github.com
Amazing, and being able to edit from your phone is the best :) Now I'll love to see integration with bitbucket as a lot of people uses it for having private small projects, as it's free, not like github
Tim Herbig
@ajimix thanks, @ajimix! We're already working on Bitbucket integration and definitely want to ship it as one of our next updates.
Johannes Berger
@herbigt & @pietbrauer Looks nice. However, I am not able to access my organization's repos. Am I missing something or is this a feature that could be available in version 1.1?
Piet Brauer
@triplejberger your org might restrict access to 3rd party apps. That's not obvious at first but once your admin says it's ok for Git2Go to access your repos, they should appear in Git2Go
Piet Brauer
@triplejberger Glad if it worked 😊 Happy commiting!
ed wassermann
Hi @herbigt ! Congrats on the launch! Quick question: I’m curious, why would I wanna do all this business on my iPhone / iPad instead of using my laptop? Not sure I can see the pain point it solves… Looks more painful than using simple things like Vim with a decent keyboard and all kinds of plugins that make interacting with Git a breeze—even without Vim, just a basic Terminal on my laptop appears way more convenient.
Piet Brauer
@visavis_kid Hey Ed, the iOS ecosystem is very diverse. Our app works on both iPhone and iPad including the new iPad Pro which features a full size keyboard. For us the reason to build Git2Go was to be able to commit files into repositories that where created on the iOS device. Many people like creating markdown documents or editing pictures but have to send their files to their computer to get them into git. We thought that this workflow could be improved. I hope that answers your question 😊
ed wassermann
@pietbrauer sorry, still don’t see the pain it addresses. Sure an iPad Pro keyboard is a tad better than using a screen but these users can’t be your target audience. I’m also curious about the chunk of people who really use iPhone / iPads for creating markdown files or editing pictures. The only real answer to my question was that sending files to computers in order to commit them via Git is somewhat unideal. FYI, I would not use your app in order to avoid sending myself a file and I’d always use my developer setup for interacting with Git. I realize honest and un-sugarcoated feedback like this might sound a bit troll-ish—no harm intended though! 😊
Piet Brauer
@visavis_kid No product is there to please everyone. We are still happy you gave it a thought and maybe you will see a reason later on.
ed wassermann
@pietbrauer cool with me if you don’t want to argue about your product 😊But isn’t this exactly the place to have these kinds of (sometimes hard) conversations to evaluate early iterations / prototypes with other creators / early adopters as opposed to just getting it in front of tons of eyeballs that pat you on the back? Do what you want of course, but if somebody takes the time to offer you critical feedback and you answer in evasive platitudes its you who misses out to ask uncomfortable questions about your project. As an investor, I’d be long gone—just sayin’! But good luck anyway!
Luke Oslizlo
Does it work with GitLab?
Tim Herbig
@lukaszmtw not yet, but we have an eye on it after integrating Bitbucket. Stay tuned! :)
Kevin Wimer
Great idea but you asked me to pay too soon. I need to experience the product and see if it helps me out before paying.
Tim Herbig
@kevinace thank you for your feedback, Kevin. We wanted to give you a good impression of the functionality by making public repos available for free and only made access to private ones paid. Did you had an opportunity to experience the functionality with a public repository of yours?
Kevin Wimer
@herbigt Nope. All of my repositories are private. It would be nice to demo the product on private repositories for X days, then decide if I'd like to pay or part ways.
Piet Brauer
@kevinace The reason why we went with this approach is because Git2Go is standing on the shoulders of Giants. We wouldn't be here without open source so instead of asking for an upfront payment we decided to give back to the open source community and make editing and pushing to public repositories free for everyone to try out and step up their open source game. It is easy to setup an open source repository and play with the app before paying. I hope you understand this decision.
Lukas Ingelheim
Good job @pietbrauer! Nice to see what came out of this project
Piet Brauer
@lukasingelheim thank you 😊
whoa! it's rare that I need that but... awesome
Tim Herbig
@chuckreynolds thanks for the feedback! Let us know how it works for you. :)
Abdo Eaita
wow, i'm happy to find this!