Ben Lang

GIST - See everything you and your friends buy

Top Product

GIST verifies your entire buying history and visualizes it beautifully for sharing — think of it like Pinterest, but if everything were shoppable and pulled from your actual purchases.
PH Beta Early Access Code: PRODUCTHUNT

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Camille Ricketts

Really amazing team. Looking forward to using this with my friends!


Gorgeous UI, intuitive use, invaluable service rendered. A totally new way to find great products from people you trust.


Nothing for now. Looking forward to seeing it evolve from here!

Hi Product Hunt! Thank you @benlang for your support! I’m Walter and I founded GIST to solve a big problem: Getting Word-of-Mouth recommendations online. Right now, we have to rely on review sites or, worse, advertising, to discover products. We’re looking at it in a different way: GIST visualizes what you and friends have actually bought. No stars, thumbs-up, or comments — just seeing what people you trust have really purchased while making it easy and rewarding to share what you’ve found online. This solves the biggest problem facing online product and content discovery: Trust. Core features: - See what you buy in one place — we have over 160+ Stores, Amazon, Square, Shopify PLUS Netflix (!) integration. Products are frictionlessly captured and presented via gmail and direct integrations. - See your impact on others — when a friend buys something you’ve shared on GIST, you’ll both get notified — Now you can get recognized for your expertise and famous for your taste. - It’s your data! Every purchase on GIST is 100% private and we will never sell your data to anyone. Right now, you already give away your personal shopping information to other sites — We're giving it BACK to you so you can decide what to share and what to keep for yourself. Other neat things: - All images shoppable — no more broken links or pins! - Platform agnostic — Product collections (“GISTs”) can be shared and viewed where you already communicate (iMessage, WhatsApp, Web-widget) - Mobile-first — looks amazing on your phone (and pretty decent on desktop) Features coming soon: - Advanced computer vision treatment on product images — now even your vacuum cleaner will be Instagram-worthy! - You tell us! What would you want to do using GIST? Team: Head of Engineering - Boris Livshutz, Employee #1 at AppDynamics and former senior architect at Oracle Lead Engineer - @vamsy_krishna Front End - @giologist Designer - @kolbybothe Developers - Abdul Latheef, Krzysztof Krzyskow, Manuel Aguilar, Manjunath, Shijin Krishna, Yadu Krishnan Advisors CEO of Levi’s, Chairman of HP Chip Bergh Fmr. Creative Director of Apple, Co-Founder of Enjoy Tom Suiter Co-Founder Ben Faw CTO at Stealth Startup, Fmr. Senior AI Researcher Udacity, Fmr. CEO of CloudLabs and inventor of mobile HDR technology Varun Ganapathi
Camille Ricketts
Congratulations!! Literally the product I feel like my friends and I have been missing for years. Looking forward to learning more!
Chloe Marshall
Love the design. Neat app for me. thanks
Katie Cooper
Today's best product. At least, it is in my heart.
Eric Spurling
Pros - smooth UI, intuitive. Assume it lifts conversion. Its playful and at its core allows for meaningful product recommendations. Cons: no Android.
Stephane Koenig
Fun and easy way to share stuff you've bought in style. Great presentation...would love wider retailer support and as others have mentioned an Android version for my friends on the other side. Exciting to see which way the service evolves, a lot of potential in curation and purchase based user to user recommendation which, lets face it, is way more powerful than typical web recommendations.
Kolby Bothe
@stephane_koenig Great feedback, thanks Stephane! We're working on adding more retailers and soon will be rolling out the Android version.
Sara Colvin
Pros: Easy to use, seamless, with beautiful design and a great range of stores integrated. Love being able to nominate friends based on their great taste. Cons: Would love a more feature rich web version. Looking forward to seeing what's next for GIST—and what products recs I get from my friends.
Evan Macmillan

New most interesting apps of the year


Really beautiful design. Was surprising to see what all my friends were buying. Had no idea.


Maybe a more informative email digest.

Derrick Lance
Great UX and is something that's missing from the modern shopping experience. WoM is key for brands and ecomm has inexplicably been less social than it could be. Needs to be on Android too!
Max Wong
Pros: Total time saver for my tweaker brain. If I trust the buyer's expertise, now I won't have to check the veracity of internet reviews or read through five pages of FAQs for Every. Single. Thing. I Buy online. Cons: Friends with terrible taste will once again have the opportunity to be mad that I don't follow them on yet another social media tool.
Jeni Walker
Do you have any android version?
@jeni_walker Hi Jeni! Still working on it :)
Jonathan Alan Smith
Easy tp use! (which might be the most important thing for a social media tool) GIST looks like the perfect tool for brands to tap into social verification from real people. Excited to use forr myself to know who I can reach out to about products I am considering buying.
Stuart Gannes
Powerful potential. Could stimulate a whole new category of influencers.
Karen Huang
Love the idea and looks great! I’d love to see more login options. :)
Ben Lang
Top Product
Congrats on the launch @walterhaas! Excited to give this a go!
Julia Doctoroff

I'm looking forward to seeing more users the app so I can see their recs.


Seamless sign-up experience. I definitely need a product like this, especially for sharing Netflix recommendations.


Since I'm based in the UK, it would be great to see a way to connect with, but I'm sure you'll get there!

Prakhar Ojha
A fresh new way to use digital social interaction to simulate an experience where we exchange information about our possessions and influence eachother to use it for expression, which by the way we do in our everyday so called physical life, by will or in "free will". A great way to express. Coming times look bright and promising. With more and more shopping platforms surfacing up, If the software continues to provide seamless retrieve and share of all purchase move done by the user, with appropriate aesthetics, this can become a new metaphor for interpersonal communication.
Denis Shershnev
Congrats @walterhaas and team! You've done great work
Julia Yoo
One of those products you don’t realize you ever wanted until you get it. No more sifting through biased or fake reviews online from strangers, or having to rely on ad-hoc, serendipitous word of mouth for product recommendations. Thanks gist!