Rye Skelton

Gift Roulette - An anonymous gift curation service

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Raymond Lou
just bought something for a friend. looking forward to receiving it @ryeskelton
Ryan Hoover
@rawrawray please report back! :)
Raymond Lou
@rrhoover will do! can't give honest feedback until I try it out! Hopefully my friend likes what I got him haha @ryeskelton
Raymond Lou
@rrhoover so I spoke to my friend that received the gift. He absolutely hated it (it was a blue crayola hat). My terms were something fun, in blue, $20, and choosen by a stoner. Customer service was great, until I responded negatively and requested a refund. GR stopped responding... Guess someone had to be a guinea pig.
Ryan Hoover
@rawrawray thanks for reporting back! I guess that's the risk you take blindly ordering gifts. Others might find it amusing but inevitably people will be disappointed, I think.
Rye Skelton
@rrhoover @rawrawray hey guys! Just wanted to let you know we refunded your money Raymond. Sorry for the delayed response we were a bit backed up with orders. It's too bad you didn't like your gift. We try to make it fun and all the gifts are meant to be taken light heartedly. Here are a few things we have sent out for reference: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product... http://www.amazon.com/gp/product... http://www.amazon.com/gp/product... Hopefully this gives a flavor! Thanks for trying us out and we hope to get you something awesome in the future.
Ryan Hoover
I'm curious what I'll get if I order something "terrifying that is red, costs about $200, and stoner" for @snoopdogg.
Rye Skelton
@rrhoover YES! Try it out! :) Coming soon is a page of recent gift roulettes.
Derek Shanahan
Loooove this. @MackFlavelle remember when we hacked something like this together a few years back on Unbounce? We got like 200 signups in a few hours:) This is much better UX.
Rye Skelton
@dshan Thanks Derek! Much appreciated :)
Mack Flavelle
@dshan yeah this is fun. Maybe should have a clearly expressed 100% return policy in case they just completely miss, $200 to get it wrong isn't that awesome, but this is fun. If in America I would try today.
Rye Skelton
@MackFlavelle Thanks Mack! We will be focusing on international shipping in our next update.
Simon Dawlat
Cool experience – would be worth improving towards a "Gift Discovery API" ;) CTA-to-Stripe transition is a bit harsh though.
Rye Skelton
@Virtualgoodz Definitly! We built Gift Roulette overnight, so we are definitly making some improvements soon. Appreciate the feedback :)
Nasim Pakmanesh
I actually like this..
Rye Skelton
@onlynasim Thanks!!
Eithiriel DeMerè
This is an interesting product. @ryeskelton, can you tell us what you're doing to help communicate with your users that this is a secure service?
Rye Skelton
@nikkielizdemere Thanks! We chose to use Stripe to secure our customers transactions. We will be updating the about page to inform our customers and what information we collect in the process. Gift Roulette was an overnight project and we are really excited.
Hrishi Mittal
@ryeskelton This is a pretty cool idea. Do you ship to the UK?
Rye Skelton
@hrishio Thanks! Right now we are only shipping to the US. We are working to find the best way to go global :)
Rye Skelton
@rawrawray Excellent! Hope you enjoy!