Rory O'Reilly - Easily turn videos into a GIF


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Rory O'Reilly
Hey internet! Welcome to and The GIFs Player! Today we're excited to announce funding from Biz Stone, Binary, Foundation Capital, and 1517 and to announce the GIFs Player. We think every GIF should be: faster and more beautiful (webm) link and drive traffic back to the full source video drive traffic back to a destination (creator, article, more information about what's going on). With the GIFs Player, you can click watch full video and see the full video instantly. You can also link it back to any rich content. It's beautiful. We're seeing companies use The GIFs Player to drive traffic back to products or causes, journalists using The GIFs Player to drive traffic back to their articles, and even YouTubers using it as a great preview for their videos on twitter, tumblr and beyond. Enjoy and we hope we can make GIFs just that more awesome. Did I mention it works on twitter, tumblr, etc? The GIFs Player on Twitter! You can click watch full video on the bottom right, and see where I decided to link the GIF back to (I did Donald's twitter). ^ I wish that were in the player and could link to something awesome! Feel free to reach me at for press or job inquiries
Tiffany Zhong
@rorybro Sweeeet updates & domain!
Rory O'Reilly
@tzhongg Thank you Tiffany! :D
Eric Nakagawa
I love!
Rory O'Reilly
@ericnakagawa Ayyyy Thank you Eric :D. We all miss you.
Sasha Eslami
Hi Rory, I'd love to be able to covert a youtube video to GIF in slow motion. This would be very helpful for creating funny slow motion reactions or very useful to document dance moves or other hard-to-do things that can be better visualized in slow motion. Are you guys thinking about adding this functionality anytime soon?
Rory O'Reilly
@sashaeversnap Hi Sasha! We agree - it'd be amazing. We're actually working on a bunch of neat filters (just like slowmo) at the moment! When we add slow mo will tweet at you, if that's okay?
Sasha Eslami
@rorybro That would be amazing bro! What's the timeframe for that? just to keep an eye out for it.
Rory O'Reilly
@sashaeversnap We're thinking around 2 months for this feature :)
Esteban Aravena
Pretty cool! If you could only do this when uploading a pic to Twitter
Rory O'Reilly
@esbvn We agree :')
Amanda Chiu
I saw it. I liked it.
Rory O'Reilly
@manda_auror Thank you Amanda! ^_^
Rutger Teunissen
Hey there! This is a great opportunity to all the people that use gifs everyday, it will definitely increase traffic to the video. Just one question, how do you make it compatible for every site? For example, I know Tumblr used to have a limit of 1MB size on gifs, otherwise it wouldn't load - that's why they sometimes are sets of small gifs with normal quality... how are you going to make that on your site? Are there limits and restrinctions to every site? Does the quality depends on the site is being uploaded? Thanks in advance for your answer!
Rory O'Reilly
@rutgerteunissen Hi Rutger! Thanks so much for your question. For tumblr we have a tumblr share button on that shares our embed code for the player on tumblr, so rather than being a bulky low quality gif, it's a beautiful high quality gif in the gifs player that links back to the source video and perhaps more. For twitter we have twitter cards. For sites that want to use the player, they use our embed code :). As long as they get the player our with the embed, the quality is amazing throughout.
Gabriel Whaley
very nice, congrats rory ;)
Rory O'Reilly
@gabriel_whaley Gabriel! Many thanks and cheers. Come visit? ;)
Doug Astor
Been waiting around for linkable gifs. Great work guys!
Rory O'Reilly
@theezaven Thank you Doug! That makes us v happy ^_^
Evan Zhou
Whoa this is DOPE! Is there a way to use a different picture for the custom site? Edit: also that's a damn good domain name you got there lol
Rory O'Reilly
@evanczhou Ahaha thank you Evan :). Hmm - def in the future we'll have upload your own photo, but as an interim we can change the default photo for that site for you?
ioanna angelidaki
That's a great idea! Gifs are becoming more and more popular, linking back to a video is very smart, well done ;)
Rory O'Reilly
@iangelidaki Thank you ioanna! We think one day every gif will be in the player :)
Ilias Ism
This is amazing. I love it.
Rory O'Reilly
@illyism Thank you for the love Ilias!! :)
Uri Levanon
@rorybro - great to see the progress of gifyoutube into love the player and the vision to make GIFs into a formal media unit, which brings awesomeness to publishers and content owners. question: how do you handle SEO for the items on ? can you share some insights on relevancy of google search traffic?
Rory O'Reilly
@urilevanon Uri! Thanks so much for your comment. Right now, our SEO game is absolutely abysmal :O
Uri Levanon
@rorybro thanks for the swift reply. indeed saw the urls don't include any context, and was wondering if you're doing any other SEO optimization. could do wonders for publishers.