Publish online, build a business, work from home
John O'Nolan
Ghost 4.0 — Newsletters, memberships, subscriptions - all in one place
No betas. Just dreams.
James Gill
I'm a sucker for a good looking dashboard – but this is SO much more than that! Congrats to everyone at Ghost on what looks like a fantastic release. This is HUGE!
John O'Nolan
@jamesjgill Thanks for being there from the start!
Danny Greer
Switched our blog from Hubspot to Ghost a year ago -- turned out to be a great decision. Looking forward to this update....the in-platform analytics look especially delicious. :)
John O'Nolan
@dannygreer Thanks so much Danny, we're stoked we get to help with the Close blog :)
Duncan Rawlinson
Is it hard to migrate say 35000 posts from wordpress? Asking for a friend.
John O'Nolan
@thelastminute It takes some time but is not overly hard :) details here
Tomas Laurinavicius
Fantastic product! I'm always inspired by your work ethic and progress. To the moon! 🚀
Edward Ludvigsen
Super impressive platform, been eyeballing it for a while to migrate a brand's content strategy. Can you share who some of the most successful publishers are with paid subs?
John O'Nolan
Hey Product Hunters 👋 It's been 8 years since the first version of Ghost launched on Kickstarter and I'm really excited to share Ghost 4.0 with you today. We've shipped more than ever and doubled our team since our last major release back in October 2019. There's so much new stuff it doesn't all fit into a single post, but here's some of the highlights: 📈 We built the dashboard! Now you get real stats on how many posts are read, who's reading them, and who your most engaged members are. 💰 Native memberships and subscriptions are no longer in beta. Publishers who started Ghost sites with Ghost last year are already making more than $2Million per year in revenue. 135 currencies supported, with 0% payment fees. 📬 Email newsletters are built-in too — Whenever you publish a post, you can deliver it by email to all your members. A year ago we sent about 6,000 emails a month. Today: Several million. 👩‍💻 New member management features allow creators to easily import, keep track of and offer support to their members. 💅 We've released several popular themes, free and open source, alongside a brand new theme marketplace and experts directory. Sites are easier to customise too, with simple brand settings inside Ghost Admin. ⚡️ Plus, a host of new integrations, a brand new $9 starter plan and code refactors that have improved overall performance! We've come a long way in 8 years, and Ghost is now a team of 21, with $3.3M annual revenue, still structured as a nonprofit organisation, and still making everything we do open source. As always, thanks so much for all your support! Full changelog here:
Bobby Voicu
@johnonolan man, amazing news. Especially the $9 starter package. While I don't make a business of publishing and the other packages don't really make sense for me, a $9 package would be amazing. The thing is, I don't see it on the homepage, to see the limits. Any timeline for that? :)
John O'Nolan
@bobbyvoicu We're setting lots of things live throughout the day! Should show up shortly :) [edit: live now]
Arav Narula
@bobbyvoicu @johnonolan Is it paid one time or Monthly?
@johnonolan congrats! Love it and love using Ghost ❤️
John O'Nolan
@levelsio Cheers Piet ❤️
Hoan Do
I forget my site address. Why not let us sign in with email? Really bad UX here.
Hi we love Ghost. But it shows suddenly "site is unavailable" when we try to access today. Can anyone help???
Darshan Gajara
Love the amount of detail you folks put into design and copywriting 👌
shawn roos
It’s like y’all knew I had just finished my website 😂😭
Leslie Camacho
Love Ghost and the 4.0 update looks great! Edit: Removed my complaint on staff limits because it was unintentionally harsh and John's response below is 100% cool with me. Love this company, love Ghost software.
John O'Nolan
@lesliescamacho We set up our own plans based on what makes economic sense for us, and people who value the features that align with that generally have no issue with the price points we've chosen. If you feel self hosting is a better fit for your needs, there's nothing wrong with that and we're very happy for you to host elsewhere - that's part of the freedom of open source.
Leslie Camacho
@johnonolan Fair and wise. I edited my comment because this is a great response and I didn't intend to come across has harsh.
David Ryan
As ever @johnonolan this is another fantastic update, with another significant adjustment to what's been a fascinating product and community. Really happy you and the team are out there in the world.
Ahmad Ajmi
Congrats to you and for the Ghost team, John! I'm so excited for this release and thankful for the hard work you did over the years to bring Ghost to this stage. The new logo is lovely ❤️
John O'Nolan
@ahmadajmi Thank you for all your beautiful themes Ahmad 🤗
Jeff Eisley
Let's go! 😍
Jack Whiting
This looks absolutely amazing. Love the stance of Ghost on making it easy for users to get paid for the content they make.
Parker Ituk
?makers is there a way to curate my posts in one post? I'm thinking of using the cards within a post to import other post
Parker Ituk
It would have been nice to allow custom templates for "Email newsletter design" ?makers
Parker Ituk
I'm curious why no custom theme for the $9 per month package ?makers
Tigran Hakobyan
This is amazing! Great job everyone!
Shaan Puri
love ghost (tho it's a bit complicated to use) question - do you guys have automations? (eg. a user signs up for the newsletter, so they will get a 5 email drip sequence over the next 10 days?) Convertkit currently does this well, but it's pretty expensive
@shaanvp Ghost doesn't have this specific feature. By design, there's an abundance of integrations available instead ( and long list of Zapier automations ( In case none of these work and you need something unique, there are webhooks (, which allow to customize reactions to certain events in Ghost as you need.