John O'Nolan

Ghost 1.0 - A new editor, new design and major upgrades


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John O'Nolan
Hey Producthunt! It's been a while :) We're back with our biggest ever update to Ghost, 4 years after our original launch on Kickstarter. We spent the last ~9 months and 2,600+ commits on this release (prizes if you can guess how long we originally predicted it was going to take) and it's absolutely full of improvements. The biggest change by far is a move to a dynamic block-based editor in built on MobileDoc (An open document storage format based on JSON) in collaboration with - we're really excited about where that's going. In short: It paves the way toward a rich editing experience (Like Medium) but with powerful, dynamic blocks of content (Like Slack/Notion). There's still a long way to go in realising the full vision for the new writing experience, but Ghost 1.0 represents a huge step in that direction - along with a plethora of improvements in both design and code architecture. The main release post is linked above, but we also have a dev blog post about all the underlying API improvements here: Would love to hear your thoughts! We'll be doing a little podcast this week on the release, so if you have any questions we'll likely answer them IRL :)
@johnonolan Hi John! Sick release. You recently mentioned you want to focus more (or extra) on helping businesses with their blog platforms. Can you tell more about your plans? Will you add any functipnality (or is it in her?) specifically?
John O'Nolan
@levelsio Hey Pietz! Absolutely. That's what's next from a feature standpoint. Back in January we announced a journalism program ( where we selected 3 publishers to work with and design business based features around their needs. That work is well underway, and we're excited about a lot of things on that front. But you wanted specifics: The main functionality we're really interested in incorporating into Ghost is that of memberships and subscriptions. Modern journalism needs a business model, and @theinformation + @benthompson's Stratechery are paving the way for what looks like a sustainable, positive economic model for digital news. Can we make that easily accessible to everyone? That's what we'd like to find out!
Stephen Oster
@johnonolan Pumped about this release. Been checking the dev blog all week wondering if it was coming. Looking forward to giving it a go. Good work!
Stowe Boyd
@levelsio @theinformation @benthompson @johnonolan Quite a different vision than I expected from Ghost's Nolan
Matthew Guay
@johnonolan The block-style editor caught my attentionโ€”would love to hear more about that. Any ways it can be used today?
erwin blom
@johnonolan A fan here. I love the product and love companies that combine open source with making money. What about future elements like subscriptions, will they be part of the open source version too?
John O'Nolan
@erwblo "It depends" - things get complicated when you start talking about payments and centralised vs decentralised - but generally speaking whenever something is possible to do open-and-deceentralised, that's the route we take. In all honesty, that route has been incredibly painful at times because decentralised software is just so much harder to release than a traditional multi-tenant app, making iteration and development slower. When it comes to subscriptions, there are still too many variables to have a definitive answer. Personally: I'd like 100% of it to be decentral and open. In practice, it might end up being 90% open source and 10% a hosted service to tie the pieces together. This is something we're still figuring out :)
Oscar Morrison
Congrats @johnonolan @hannah_wolfe on Ghost 1.0. Been using Ghost for my personal blog since day 0. Keep up the good work ghost team ๐Ÿ‘ป
Andrey Azimov
Congrats with the upgrade of Ghost! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰
John O'Nolan
@andreyazimov Thanks Andrey! ๐Ÿค— It's been a long time coming
Seb Dancer-Michel
Congrats @hannah_wolfe @johnonolan and team! I have been following the development of Ghost since almost the start, can't wait to use it on my next project ๐Ÿ˜Ž
John O'Nolan
@far0s Cheers Seb :) Let us know how that project goes - would love to see
Looks awesome! Will migrate asap :D
Franco Varriano
@johnonolan @hannah_wolfe - love the new experience, can't wait to update and really check it out! Keep up the great work!
Congrats! The new backend and standard theme look really clean and beautiful! One issue I had with ghost in the past is that there seems to be no support for multilingual websites (i.e. like the qTranslate Wordpress plugin). Therefore I never really tried out ghost for my projects. Are you planning to release an multi-language blogs in the near future?
John O'Nolan
@josef_moser Planning? Yes. Near future? Unlikely. We've had an open call for contributions for i18n support for 2+ years, but it has always really struggled to gain any traction. We do have a few i18n improvements coming up, but full support is still a way off I'm afraid. Hope this changes though :)
Ktryn Dchrs
@josef_moser I work in a bilingual speaking business who need multilingual blogging platform. I wanted to suggest Ghost because other platform sucks, but the impossibility to blog in both languages (French & English) was sadly a big deal. If there is any way to help on i18n to accelerate a release of a version that will support a multilingual version, i'd be happy to participate as much as I can. Also, is there any way to plug GHOSt with Hubspot?
Stefan Cosma
Awesome job @johnonolan and team. I've been testing the releases on a dev server until now. Now it's time to move this baby into production. :)
Wesley Livesay
I've been using Ghost for three years now and have really enjoyed the experience. Very excited to see the enhancements to the editor which I have thought needed some upgrades for awhile. Can't wait for the upgrade to roll out to my Ghost Pro account.
Wesley Livesay
Also, @johnonolan the link to the Dev Blog post about changes is incorrect in the post, it is pointing to when it should be
John O'Nolan
@wesleylivesay Thanks so much for the support Wesley :) I'll make sure we get you into one of the first batches to get the Ghost(Pro) upgrade rollout. That link should be fixed now too!
Michael Musgrove
V.1 has been a big big project. Congratulations! Go take a bathroom break.
John O'Nolan
@mbmusgrove The timeless words of someone who speaks from experience ๐Ÿ˜„ yeah we haven't really moved from the one table for a good 48 hours now. Will pee soon
Isaiah Nathanael
Congrats! Guess I'll be working 'night shift' from now on ๐Ÿ˜œ
John O'Nolan
@sprybear Me too! I really grew to enjoy it during development and now use it pretty much all the time. There are a couple of little visual quirks still, but we should have those ironed out in the next few weeks :)
Peter Sekan
It has been a long way! Congrats!
Joey Lomanto
Congrats @johnonolan and team! This is huge :)
Seth Lilly
Congratulations to @hannah_wolfe, @johnonolan and team! This is a great release and I'm so excited to see what Ghost has become (and what it WILL become).
Olivier Hamel
Great job @johnonolan, I am a happy Ghost user for almost a year now. Do you have a link to the new default template to see it live?
Siddharth Arun
Looking great!
Jeffrey Wyman
very happy to see this.. been using Ghost and following updates for a while now. great product!!
Michael Gelphman
Congratulations! excited to see the progress here & dig where you guys are going with things. So glad I switched to ghost a couple years ago!
congrats sjonnie! does this mean you finally heave React running ๐Ÿคก